Thanks Grizz. I spray colloidal silver on my hair every now and then - it is indeed very good for itching, flaking conditions. People who spray it on a couple of times every day may also notice that it darkens their hair, including graying hair. No, it isn't bringing the old color back so much as gradually darkening the hair due to the gradual absorption and accumulation of the silver into and onto the hair follicle.
HOWEVER, I wonder if it would not be good to use in combination with onion juice - which is an age old remedy for baldness/thinning hair as well as graying hair - as was confirmed by science not so long ago. If you missed my article:
I wonder if perhaps colloidal silver not only sprayed on the hair, but also massaged into the scalp, might help with some of the undrlying causes of thinning and perhaps graying hair. I think I may try that combo myself and see what happens. Got lots of gray these days. Haven't lost a lot of hair - though I have gained some forehead. : )
At any rate, your post reminded me that I need to update the info on my website about dandruff remedies. Perhaps turn it into an article for the Utopia Silver folks, where I contribute to their "e-Magazine", the Silver Bulletin.