Turpentine for breeding problems?! by Jhony Da Silva ..... Turpentine Healing
Date: 1/4/2018 8:05:05 AM ( 7 y ago)
Hits: 534
URL: https://www.curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=2397411
Hello can anyone tell me if taking Turpentine orally, if it can kill any pathogen in the respiratory tract? Can it really reach the lungs?
I never had respiratory problems, even when I was a smoker, but in 2014/2015 I experienced some sort of mild headache and some "trouble" breading, like to control my breath it did not felt normal.
Like I needed more ai.
I have a slow, strong pulse. My blood pressure is a bit low since then and I struggle to maintain my sleep, in those parts when the body goes in to deep sleep and our breathing becomes the slower that's when I wake up.
No heart problems over here.
All the help might be precious.
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