Re: Is it likely that there will never be a "cure" for cancer? by Susan Jones ..... Cancer Forum
Date: 11/15/2017 10:46:40 AM ( 8 y ago)
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There are already many cures for cancer but none of them make any money for the pharmaceutical companies so they have done everything they can to ensure you don't know about them (including changing laws and making it virtually impossible for small companies who make or sell cancer cures to prove that what they are selling works).
I have dealt with cancer (my daughter had melanomas) and this is how we cured her:
1. Remove the melanomas using black salve - it seeks out cancer cells and turns them white and then after about 7 days these cells are dead and fall out - then the body rebuilds the wound. You will be left with a small scar but not a trace of cancer cells if you have spread out the salve wide enough (we found that the invisible cancer cells had spread out 8 times the area of the visible melanoma)
2. Eat alkalising foods - this helps the body create a pH balance that ensures no more cancer cells can grow and the immune system is able to tackle existing cancer cells.
3. Broccoli sprout juice - I discovered this when searching for a cancer protocol for my daughter. It's a powerful anti cancer food and I got my daughter drinking 2 a day for 3 months. We took her back for an infrared scan with a GP who was also a practising Naturopath and there was no more cancer.
I also had cancer (breast) and did not change my diet but I drank about 120ml broccoli sprout juice a day and healed myself. Now as a preventative I drink it daily (30-40ml) because although I eat well - lots of raw food and mainly vegan, I know my diet is not 100% alkaline forming.
I buy my broccoli sprout juice in tubes ready to drink (I don't think I'm allowed to say which company on this forum but part of the name includes Vegus if that helps!) However, you could grow the sprouts and juice yourself if you prefer but juice at max 6 days old because after that the amount of sulforaphane (the active ingredient that heals cancer) starts to diminish and there is 100 times less sulforaphane in fully grown broccoli.
I hope this helps x
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