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Re: Will Jennifer Daniels/80/10/10 plus turpentine clear my oral thrush/candida issues? by mattk3 ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum

Date:   9/18/2017 12:24:10 PM ( 7 y ago)
Hits:   1,936

Fungal Thrush formulas on page 377 and 379 of document 255

Document Rev 255

food allergy test IGG responses says? Avoid which foods for a year.

If SIBO and SIVO overgrowths are eliminated, fruits, milk, all these things work as essential elements.

Few have issues, say 5%

Those that do the formulas are cured, or in the process. Out of 75 folks, I have 6 that remain. Rest have moved on with their lives.

Get with the program.

Do not use turpentine, there are much more effective molecules of turpines, natural and chemical that work. Clove Bud, Levamisole, Frankincense, etc. Lavender oil on skin may work too. DMSO on skin before shower is a must for sulfur.

Fungal infection that cannot be killed, or keep coming back can be eliminated for ever using saccharomyces boulardii for about 3 months, to drive it to be the dominant species of fungus in the body, and regulates other nasty fungus.

This way continued Fungal meds do not need to be taken.

Several use Dr Yu, no works on kills. His meds are odd.

Several use fluconazole on CZ, works again and again. Works for liver issues as well in some.

I used naturals for yeast, eventually I got it, never comes back less I eat half a cup of sugar, or half a bag of
Stop sugar, yeast problem goes away.

It has been 4 years, and my method has eliminated yeast issue.


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