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Re: Edema and Enema question by #223622 ..... Bowel Cleanse Support Forum

Date:   8/3/2017 7:33:16 AM ( 7 y ago)
Hits:   2,132

Look thats not how the liver or the colon works. Its a finely tuned peace of biological engineering from nature, It dose not need our help to "flush" out toxins. This fad is just that, a fad with absolutely no scientific evidence from reputable scientists or physicians. In fact since the enma craze has started its no surprise that people have ruined their digestive systems natural ability to excrete wast products effectively.. One of the bad singes you will notice if you are over using enmas is an increase of mucus or plugs, when these strings and plugs of mucus come out they may even appear to the lay person to be worms but they are not. I almost killed my self from using enmmas once a week for many years, it got to the point I could no longer use the bathroom on my own with out an enmma.. An actual MD is who first pointed out that my enmma use was the culprit, and had I continued I would have lost more then jsut my intestines in the process. I too had fluid retention.. It backed up my lymphatic system which is responsible for much of the drainage of excess fluid in certain tissues.. The damage was irreversible once it set in but my doctor along with the specialist I was referred to, stopped it from becoming worse.. In the end I needed to use a colostomy bag to get red of excess waist while waiting for the lining in my intestines to rejuvenate because when you start shoving water up your anus every week a couple bags full even you gradually change the pumpability of the membranes and they become more "water loving" or hydrophilic.

When you start hi-jacking your digestive system regularly EXCEPT IN THE CASE OF OCCASIONAL EMERGENCY I.E you haven't gone for weeks or unless you able to do so responsibly I.E when you have the occasional constipation and disruption or regularity brought on by temporary increase in sedentary life-style, bad diet, or illness, and can use it to relieve the constipation for that time with out becoming dependent on it - well if you cant do that and you start using it all the time you risk SERIOUS DAMAGE TO YOU DIGESTIVE SYSTEM AND YOUR LIFE. Do you think for one moment any of these miracle cure sites or holistic toxin preachers care about what happens to you? No so long as you buy their products or at the least your ignorance and spreading of it promotes their bottom line though the grapevine then they will let you go along believing this dribble as I found out. It was not long after I started actually educating my self in evidence based medicine I realized that I was being coned and manipulated by all that toxin talk.. If you have real toxins building up in your body that your liver cant handle on its own you would be in a ER mark my words.. you wouldnt be taking a enma to cure it.. The body just dose not work this way.

My docrtor told me one thing Ive held clsoe to my heart ever since my ordeal which is " a little knowledge is dangorus" because thats how this kind of stuff happens.. someone take a little bit of the facts and manipulates it to suite their needs, at the determent of everyone else Or a person will take a little bit of knowledge and think they can fix them selves from what ales them only to find out many years down the road if they are lucky that they were the ones killing them selves. This "little bit of knowledge" thing works in any field or study.. Plain and simple..

Im not even joking, I almost killed my self using plain purified watter enmmas for years.. and I did end up in the hospital and its not what they show on TV, just cause the problems found dosnt mean thye can always turn you back to normal. I have permanent damage from overusing enmas.. but Im a lot better then I was 2 years ago.. I can go to the bathroom on my own again.. I no longer have so many muscle aches (yea constent enmas can contribute to that as well and its the placebo effect after using one that makes you feel like its helping you but just like certain damaging drugs its actually hurting you in the long run)

Some conditions you can get from enma overuse are lazy colon which sounds non threatening but it can be very devastating, feel free to look any of this up...

another is electrolyte imbalance which can and has killed people from you guessed it EMMMAS

they have recently found a link to frequent ennma use and increase ch Acne of chancers of the colon and gal-stones

Vitamin deficiencies like vitamin B-12 which can make you freaking miserable when its low enough

You can even adversely change the "flow" of intestinal gas sometimes causing it to go in reverse which can be agonizing..

You can wipe out your gut flora which are your beneficial bacteria that are used in the synthesis of many important nutrients and work together with the immune system and decrease inflammation... your gonna feel liek crap if this happens cause that leads to

incrase in bad bacteria, protozoans, fungus and other opportunistic overgrowths or infections or overgrowth of a unbalancing of good bacteria that causes problems and these can of course lead you to thinking once you flush out the overgrowth or the bad germs that your making your self better but the relief is temporary and at a cost of making it all worse in the end.

You can cause stool to becoming increasingly harder as transit time slows! and this is because THE COLON IS NOT MEANT TO BE COMPLETELY CLEANED OF STOOL (POO)!! think of it like hair in a way that if you pull the whole root out it dose not grow back but its not the best comparison.. If you completely clean out your colon too often it makes transit time of stool take MUCH longer which cases it to lose more and more monster which cases it by the time it reaches the end to cause much more bloating, be a much bigger load, and even pain.. this constant trouble will cause much greater problems down the line as it did for me...


you can cause your self to have heart issues like congestive heart falue from too much fluid being bult of and as the negative feed-back loop continues other places start to buld up fluid and then next thing you know ever place in your body is swollen and then your orgens and in time with out proper treatment death.. and taking all the water pills in the world wont help if your still giving yoru self ennmas

if you wait too long to stop you may need surgical intervention like I did.. on your intestines and or gallbladder or even your pancreas..

You can damge the prostate causing painful ejaculation or the fluid can push on it..

You can mess up the VEGUS nerve and cause a heart attack and so on.. JUST STOP DOING THE ENMMAS EXCEPT IN EMERGENCYS and if you need to take one every WEEK TALK TO AN ACTUAL MD about this issue.. if he dosnt know better, talk to another doctor.. you can also only get honest help from a doctor if you are honest about what your doing to your self and how you feel before and after.. keep an acurate record and sooner or later maybe youll see that the enmmas are actualy causing a lot of your health issues even if its inadvertandly.. since our system is so interconnected and everything depends on another thing.. messing with your intestans can damage your heart, your skin, your eyes, your liver, your blood, ect.. youd be surprised how many alments can acumulate all having the root causes being the moment someone started using ennmas regularly..
and they can worsen pre-existing condtions..

and dont give me the "theyve been around for blah blah years" thats no excuse.. just cause humans do somehting wrong for 100s of years dosnt menat its still not wrong or still not stupid.. Humans seem to have the incredible ability to ignor the logic when they feel like it and to be sane yet fallow the definition of insanity by doing the same freaking thing over and over but expecting or trying to force a different result by pure belife alone sometimes.. Just cause you believe its an egg doesn't make it and egg if its a can...

don't call me close minded either.. cause I fully tried and investigated both sides of this and it almost got me killed after many years... and its not just me.. my pal who used to go with me for some cleanses got himself killed the same way.. they called it an arthmya and would have droped the issue, but when they learned of his enmma overuse all the evidence pointed that way as the main contributing factor that caused his electrolyte imbalance that cuased his heart to give out... this was long after I stopped and begged him to stop as well.. but he was too stubborn and too spiritual (not that anything is wrong with spirtal but he did his enmmas liek a ritural) see the other thing about enmmas is they are addicting mentally like many other things.. addicting things are nto always good for you.. Now the odd emma here or there once a month or once ever few months is not gonna hurt you but you start doing it every week or day or you can only go to the bathroom with an enmma your going to regret it like I did.

Once you start to educate your self your start to realize how stupid you were being.. and in my case someitmes that education only happens after a near death experince... but I just didnt want to belive the enmmas were at fault.. I kept trying to look for other things even bowl or liver chancers.. but when I finally stoped them and begun my treatment turns out the doctors with their evdence based medicine were right.. Now dont get me wrong doctors are humans they are not gods they can make mistakes and its why everyone in alternative medicine blames them.. but guess what those alternative medicine folks are not gods either but even the best of them are no match for the worst of the evidence based doctors.. When you start to look into medical statistics you can see just how many people die because of the influence of holistic, alternative, and guru type mexicain... its just shocking how stupid people can be.. and maybe I am so expressive of this fact because I was that stupid my self.. I was stupid but at least I can admit it.. Well I was ignorant and I wanted to belive something else.. like so many of us do... but cold hard Science really is our best answer.. and the thing about it.. the answers change with time as new infromation is learned but this toxin ennma crap stays the same and no matter what evidence is provided to show its not a good idea we just ignor it with out fingers in our ears going NAH NHA NAH!

I think its cuase types like us who get drawn into these things are "differnt" maybe we are kindered souls, maybe we just feel like no one else gets us or gets it... but that may be our greatest gift and give us so much to give back to humanity and be a great assist but instead most of us fall victim to this kind of BS before that can ever happen... I know Im different... I admit it.. But I wont be stupid anymore.. What Id like to belive and what Id hope for are not always ture..... but in other ways my prespective on life can offer great things to those in my life.. and a lot of us have so much potental but these dumb things we do sometimes gets us kileld and makes us suffer.. we just need to apply our selves and our energy into differnt kinds of things.... things that dont involve the human body cause with this kind of mind set many of us seem to have we are not going to save anyone.. just get em killed.. so I now concentrat on music and socity.. Im not gonna preach the bable about toxins cause I know for a fact my view on them was wrong... and I know its in part becuase of the way my brain worked... and many of us are just victomes of the alt-med cults that try to brain-wash us..

and everyone is different you may get a dumb or greedy doctor like the one who tried to tell me my edema was not serious until I ended up in the hospital.. but the ones who noticed what was causing what just put the pieces together.. Its not like diagnosing a car, but this hocus pocus crap is a far cry from any doctor even the dumbest of them.

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