Re: "mms killed my wife" by Sickofbeingunwell34 ..... MMS - Miracle Mineral Solution Debate
Date: 5/15/2017 7:46:47 AM ( 8 y ago)
Hits: 3,498
Just cos your wife died don't mean you can blame 2 drops of mms! I'm so sorry for your loss mate but it's not right to blame mms solely! I am a very sick person and have cirrhosis and no immune system.damaged spleen and lymph etc which I could have prevented with mms(ebv ruined my immunity and hep c).
So I took 23 drops at a time and I'm still here and I don't recommend taking that much lol I was so keen to get well that's why I did so much. Anyway I take it still on and off and I'm alive and I feel a lot worse when I don't take it cos I have no immune and keep catching infections and I have just caught staph and I am about to go back on it for that and aeromonas cavaie and parasites.
I will chime in and let y'all know how I go.
Please don't listen that 2 drops can kill anyone that's such a lie she must have had something wrong with her or ingested tonnes of it?
I'm so sad she died though and I feel bad for him and his family but for god sake stop trying to get mms taken off the market that is just low as it helps thousands of people daily!
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