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Re: Painted Crazy.. Finally diagnosed by Jmiles8903 ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)

Date:   3/7/2017 3:06:25 AM ( 8 y ago)
Hits:   2,008

So today I go to my regular doctor who ordered 4 vials of stool from me after the Tapeworm came out two weeks ago. He proceeds to tell me all my test was NEGATIVE. He then tells me at least 3 of the vials would need to be positive for them to give a positive result. WHAT? What sense does that even make. And this is a MAJOR usa test facility used for essentially all doctors. You wonder why people are sick and dying it's because the doctors in this country have no sense. They tell people they're crazy and send them home. Good thing my GI doctor isn't an idiot.

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