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Re: How to Fix Swollen Turbinates So You Can Breathe At Night My opinion by Brian Firth ..... Natural Healing & Herbal Solutions w/Unyquity

Date:   2/20/2017 6:20:17 PM ( 8 y ago)
Hits:   20,451


Re: Any form of blocked Nose

The cause is elevated Minute Volume Breathing (pls look this up) All nasal problems ar caused by the gradual and permanent change in breathing. The medical world and community in general do not understand this.

Over breathing (just like over eating) will gradually and permanently alter the breathing driver. Almost always results in mouth breathing, certainly while sleeping. Add to this many common OTC drugs esp containing Phenylephrine, Xylometazoline and the most popular Oxymetazoline. These drugs will cause a massive "rebound" sometimes ref to as addiction, if used for long periods ie more than a week !

To correct you need to do the Buteyko Method (correctly , not via video, book or Youtube) to learn how to "reset" your breathing driver or reduce your minute volume towards normal.

Even is you have surgery, your will relapse often within weeks if you do NOT correct your breathing.

Advice: Correct your breathing (I can help you) first and you will have 90% chance of avoiding surgery, and poor quality sleep, apnoea, snoring etc etc.

Unfortunately when it comes to modern medicine - Mouth Breathers are losers.

Brian Firth - 6000+ Clients 12 years experience. Group sessions in Australia or Skype. (just goggle my name buteykohealth)

Good luck ... Brian

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