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Scared its something more serious ? by Amy912 ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)

Date:   2/11/2017 11:38:46 AM ( 8 y ago)
Hits:   1,145

I have had some bloody mucus , not a huge amount and about 4-5 times since october and a change in bowel movment , it stsrtsoff formed then ends up mushy. I also started having lower left abdominal pain, not a crampy pain , more like an occasional stab when I move.

I have stared getting some pains in the upper left and some pains on the upper right . So im panicing I have bowel cancer that has spread to pancreas/stomach and liver.

I have had a couple of blood tests that look at all the funtioning levels and the usual white blood cell and redblood cell etc and all normal .

If this was metastic cancer would it have shown up somewhere ?

In october I noticed one worm in my stool but I havnt had any since , so im wondering this may have something to do with it or if im dealing with something more sinister. Doctors are not helping me

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