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Still worried?? by trlbunny ..... Master Cleanse Support Forum

Date:   5/31/2005 12:02:53 AM ( 20 y ago)
Hits:   1,133

I just finished my 4th day on the MC. On the first day I had 3 BMs , probably b/c I had been constipated prior to that. Anyways, I have not drank laxative teas or done any saltwater flushes, due to health reasons. I guess I worry a lot, but I have read some negative info. on salt water flushes and laxative teas, etc, so I am still a little worried to do either. However, I just went and bought some tea with peppermint, chamomile, and fennel, since I read that is a very safe tea to help aid digestiona dn relieve constipation. I also bought psyllium husks, which I plan on taking some tonight. So, what I am wondering is if you think that is enough?? Or should I try to get over my fear and worry about the SWFs and do one??? Please let me know! Thanks

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