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Day 1/30 Hydrogen Peroxide therapy by Pamster ..... Ask CureZone Community

Date:   8/3/2016 10:52:16 PM ( 9 y ago)
Hits:   2,058

I'm running a 30 day experiment. I'll be doing my 4th course of h2o2, in 5.5 years.

5.5 years ago, I had CF/fibromyalgia. I had 6 chronic infections that I used h2o2 to combat.

Over those years, I never went on Antibiotics (which would have been prescribed many, many times over.)

I'll be doing full dose the morning, over the next 30 days possibly.

I'm in a very different place right now.

-I'm fully detoxed! I've purged my adult toxins (the pill, hep a/b vaccines, Antibiotics ), my teenage (tetracyclene, 2 courses of accutane) & childhood vaccines.

- And my body is so much stronger. I'm in healing mode. This month, I've noticed the skin under my eyes is much thicker. When I smile, I have very few wrinkles (at 42, which is amazing.)

-my muscles are very flexible in areas that have been damaged by my previous 5 car accidents. I'm very close to the splits, and a kick over.

-I haven't had cavities in 10 years.

-My eye whites are extremely white (sign of detox- cellular water is clean)

-My colon is very clean (many salt flushes, colonics).

-I can easily dry fast 1 day, Water Fast for 5 days, and master cleanse for 10 days, with no hypoglycemia symptoms, and without my PH dropping (below 7.2). It means I have plenty of alkalinity on reserve.

-My hair grows like crazy, thick, and no grey.

-My weight is in the middle of my bmi. At the bottom, I had very little muscle. Today I am very strong.

-I haven't had a cold/flu in 3.5 years

I'm hoping this round of h2o2 will help:

-my adrenals and pineal. I still have periods where I don't sleep.

-my thyroid. My temp is still low. (36.4C)

I took my dose this morning. It gave me a bit of a headache for .5 hour, but no big deal.

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