Re: Driving parasites away from the intestines by monroe444 ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)
Date: 6/20/2016 11:34:08 AM ( 9 y ago)
Hits: 4,231
Thank you both for posting. I really appreciate your advice.
I intend to do a salt water flush but hear it is hard to do. Could you please describe your experience with it and how you do yours?
I've been eating some Sugar but I still feel them moving in other parts of the body. I've eaten a little pineapple but haven't gone crazy because of other people saying not to eat fruits or other sugars, but now I'm thinking maybe I should eat a pineapple a day for a while?
I think I might have seen eggs this morning. I'm not totally sure, but I took ornithine last night and arginine this morning and am doing ACV enemas and coffee enemas.
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