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Re: Stinky Girl... by TBB1 ..... Ask CureZone Community

Date:   3/4/2016 6:46:33 PM ( 8 y ago)
Hits:   4,810

I totally understand how you feel, I am in the same boat, Since I was about 18 years old, I started to be aware of my breath and suspected I had bad breath but wasn't as concerned as I am not, I was still living a normal life, being social and doing normal activities without being worried about my breath. That has all changed, now I can actually smell my breatth, I leave the smell after I exercise and when I breath in deeply I can detect it. I have kids and they say my Breath is not bad and that is the same smell from my mouth and nose. But I think they don't want to hurt my feeling or make me feel bad. People's reactions tell me I DO HAVE bad breath, I have quit going to church because of the looks I get from people. I am also depressed and have low selfesteem because of this.
Just like you my breath is SCREAMING at me that something is wrong with me. I have visited different doctors Dentist say No cavities and mouth is Ok, I have no sinus issues, Internal dr. Checked my blood and everything came back normal. Kidney Dr. Said kidneys are working 100% ok. I have also checked if I had a stomach hernia and the answer was NO.
I don't know what is wrong with me. Keep posting here please and share your experiences.
For me I definitely Know that my Bad breath does Not come from my mouth, people think is because you are not clean enough to brush, scrape and floss. THAT IS NOT TRUE, I don't know if there is a specific test to check for digestive enzymes? Does anyone know?

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