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Re: Monitor Your Thyroid! by hopeblossom ..... Toxic Black Mold Forum

Date:   2/22/2016 11:47:08 AM ( 9 y ago)
Hits:   1,627

I think I've made a couple of big mistakes to my health that I think contribute to an impaired metabolism. I took anti- depressants for 13 years (Prozac & Zoloft) I believe these did significant damage to my body, however I quit them cold turkey about 12 years ago and I feel much better without them. Also, I had a tubal ligation and I feel that has changed my natural hormones.

But there is something else. My sister (who can afford medical care) tested positive for the MTHFR gene mutation and in fact has both A1298C & C677T which means both of our parents passed it on and the likely hood that I have the same mutation is very high.

My sister says (although I haven't read this myself...yet) that this gene mutation can cause hypothyroidism.

The treatment for this is simply taking Methyl Folate and perhaps adding in Methyl B-12

And truly looking back at my grandmother and mother I can see many of the symptoms overlapping of MTHFR, hypothyroidism and anemia.

Thank you for your reply Super Woman, how have you been feeling? Do you by chance take Methyl Folate or Methyl B-12?

I really hate taking so many different things to feel better. Surely it must have consequences on your kidneys or something, but there don't appear to be any easy answers.


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