Re: Adrenal Fatigue- How to detox an EXTREMELY SENSITIVE LIVER? Please help! by Plathinator ..... Adrenal Fatigue Forum
Date: 1/19/2016 1:05:58 AM ( 9 y ago)
Hits: 2,637
Oh, and a few other vital things I have discovered...
Invest in liposomal glutathione. It is not cheap but it is the thing that has made the most dramatic difference (since I last posted). Some brands also contain phosphatidyl choline which is superb. With ANY ongoing liver distress, our bodies natural production of glutathione slows down and gets depleted no matter how good our diets are. Glutathione is our bodies most powerful antioxidant and will reduce inflammation in the liver and help it to prepare to detox. The phosphatidyl choline is also essential and many people are deficient in choline. I am vegan but just over the past month things got very bad and so I started the glutathione and consuming four RAW organic egg yolks daily (whisked gently into nut milk). Oh my... Raw egg yolks are a medicine. Please try introducing them to your diet. My liver loves them and my energy levels, body aches and vision have vastly improved. They also gently detox the liver and I have been passing small amounts of gravel. Our body also uses choline to make an enzyme called collagenase which is used to break down collagen deposits in the body, such as in the liver (scar tissue in the liver is made of collagen). So choline will soften the scar tissue and make the liver begin to replace any scar tissue with healthy tissue again. It is possible if you have had ongoing pain, inflammation and problems, that your body has also formed some scar tissue in your liver. This has been my problem. It's called fibrosis. I have also taken serrapeptase for this but I believe the raw egg yolks do a better job!!!
Don't forget liposomal vitamin b12 to support your liver also.
All the best :)
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