Re: Social Question by #461 ..... Help Me! Forum
Date: 1/6/2016 1:12:11 AM ( 9 y ago)
Hits: 742
Asking him if you came across as wanting to be more than friends. And all this oh he doesn't know I like his coworker etc. Doesn't sound like high school to you, eh?
But it sounds like you have it all figured out. Why ask us then? Is this a backhanded way of proving how wantable you are?
From reading your previous posts, you sound like you're quite unwell. As sick as you sound, seems like the gym would be somewhere below the bottom of your to-do list.
Anyway, read my post about toxicity here:
and see how I've successfully dealt with it. It applies to all kinds of toxins though, not just cadmium. Just change what name you tap for.
I have to say right now you hardly sound severely affected by toxicity.
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