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South Dakota government colluding with Big Pharma to kidnap Native American children for drug experiments and profit by befurther ..... Drug Legalization Debate

Date:   1/2/2016 2:19:46 AM ( 9 y ago)
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A series of terrible events have been affecting Native American children in South Dakota, and American Constitutional Trial Attorney Daniel Sheehan – who says it's an "escalating problem" – wants the madness to come to an end. In a video entitled South Dakota Exposed: Why the Department of Social Services Preys on Native Families, Sheehan details how these children have unnecessarily been taken by the South Dakota Department of Social Services in droves, working in cahoots with Big Pharma to keep the absurdity going. You can watch the video here.(1,2)

Here's what's happening.

Like most insanity going on in the world – whether it's about GMOs or vaccine violence – there's big money and pats on backs going on. It all allows the government to keep their "what's in it for me?" nonsense going.

In South Dakota, it goes like this: so long as a child is deemed to have special needs, and remains in the foster care system, the state makes approximately $79,000 annually per child. Some of that money goes to Big Pharma, who in turn, provides contributions to political parties – namely the Republican party. The kicker is that it's all a scheme designed to set children in South Dakota up for failure.(2)

Biased mental health tests designed to set Native American children up for failure

So, how on earth does this happen?

Sheehan maintains that much of this has its roots with former governor of Texas, George W. Bush. He was the first governor in the country to put a mental health screening test in place which ultimately determines if a child should be taken in by social services. However, the test has been found to be – as Sheehan puts it – "culturally warped" and "biased," and therefore something that's bound to set Native American children up for failure.(2)

"When Native American children are given this test," he explains, "98 percent of children will flunk this test and be found to be special needs children ... so they set up this algorithm starting all the way out with Ritalin ... "(2)

Upon George W. Bush's presidency, everything regarding this topic spun further out of control, including a deep focus on turning the government's attention to a kind of mental health algorithm project. It was considered a great money-making scheme and the rest, as they say, is history.

Hundreds of South Dakota children being given pharmaceuticals as part of shady plan that benefits state, Big Pharma

Today, about 742 Native American children in South Dakota are ripped away from their families and their culture every year. They're in foster care settings where they're subjected to protocols – thanks to bills that have actually been passed to allow it – in which they're given pharmaceuticals not meant to be given to children of a certain age. Still, the powers that be maintain that it's helping them to learn about these "special needs" children, all while they go on experiencing horrific side effects including suicidal tendencies.(2)

It's all an evil plan based on trickery from the onset. On and on it goes, and all the while innocent children are taken away from their culture, and families are torn apart. What kind of government, state and people allow this and are actually able to sleep at night? Do they truly think their actions are kind and just?

Thankfully, Daniel Sheehan is working to get the state and Native American families back on track; he's currently the lead attorney and general counsel for the Lakota People's Law Project. In that capacity, he's involved with putting an end to activities that violate the Indian Child Welfare Act, and works diligently to see that the Lakota children are not undeservedly put into the state's shady care system.(1)

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