Re: Did Jesus go to hell between His death and resurrection? by vektek ..... Christianity Debate
Date: 12/31/2015 1:55:12 PM ( 10 y ago)
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"It would have to be an exceedingly mild form of ear tickling which tells people that if they reject the Lord they will receive an eternal death sentence and never again exist... ever! Wow, that's just what peoples itching ears wanted to hear, right? :)
But once again, the point is not what we wish were true simply because it would be so much nicer, but what does the overall body of scripture actually seem to be saying?
I believe in most cases people have drawn their conclusions based upon what the mainstream church system has told them to believe without actually studying it out for themselves with an open heart and in the absense of firmly established preconceived notions and extreme and blinding bias. If people were to study it out honestly for themselves, they would see that many scriptures at least "seem" to point to "destruction" or "perishing" rather than "eternal torment" and i believe there would be far less of a pre-determined emotional bias against the possibility. But with severe preconceived notions in place which is the ultimate blinding force, the reader will see the word "destruction" or "perish" a dozen times and automatically interpret it to be saying "eternal torment"."
Totally agree!
It will always boggle me how people can say my view of hell is like saying there is no hell at all. That makes no sense whatsoever.
It is easy to get emotional over this subject, no matter which side you are on. So yes, the main thing is to stick with what the scriptures say.
I agree that I don't think many have really studied this topic without their preconceived notions. And I really think pastors are scared to death to really study it without preconceived notions, and that's why they often react the way they do when it's brought up and try to shut the conversation down. What would they do if they came to see they have been teaching a horrible lie all this time? And what consequences would that bring?
It should be easier for us lay people to study it without fear. So what if we have to admit we were wrong. We don't have the pressure that pastors have.
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