Re: Women: open to non-sexual relationships? by glaxony ..... Relationship Support Forum
Date: 12/16/2015 9:48:28 PM ( 10 y ago)
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When I was of child bearing age I thought the reason I was not cumming was because men's penises were not big enough. But then I had a few great big ones that wore me out and made me tired and I still couldn't cum. Then I met someone who made love like a sex God from Sirius, and I knew without a doubt that I could cum during sexual intercourse and allow a man's penis to take me over the edge, not my finger. But he didn't want to be in a relationship.
Over the years I met a few outstanding lovers who could have probably done it, if they had hung around long enough. But none of them wanted to be in a relationship either, at least that is what they said. And they said it wasn't about me. They simply didn't want to be in a relationship with anybody. Well, one of them said he wanted to get married and have children. And I didn't want any children. But he came back after having 2 kids and getting a divorce. And when I told him I wanted to be in a relationship this time, he tucked his tail and ran because he was too wounded from his marriage to get hurt again. He just wanted to use me.
My point is that men say they don't want to be in a relationship, But if you will agree to it, they will dump you for other women who refuse to have sex without a commitment. I don't like holding out for a commitment unless I know the sex is going to be good, because when I do, the sex always turns out to be horrible. I won't even buy a pair of shoes without trying them on first. I won't buy a car without taking it for a test drive. The banks won't let you buy a house without getting it inspected. The odds are that if you get into a relationship without having sex to insure compatibility, the sex will be horrible, because the vast majority of men are terrible lovers. At least that has been my experience. Men need to have lessons in loving. It needs to be legal for them to get this training. That would help a lot.
Meanwhile, when I have sex with men to find out if they are good enough in bed to be keepers, they lose lose respect for me. They immediately put me on the back burner and the only time they ever want to see me again is if they can't find anybody else to sex them up that night. And they always try to put their hooks in me and string me along and keep an option on me by telling me that it's the best sex they ever had and that I am number one, until some other woman refuses to have sex without a commitment. Then I don't hear from him again for a few years. When their committed relationships don't work out, they always come running back to me, wanting to use me again, and make themselves feel all better about getting dumped.
Men could care f***ing less about how women feel when they reschedule dates for someone who is playing harder to get. They could care less about how women feel when they get stood up. They could care less how women feel in general. All they care about is where they are going to put their penises next. And it needs to be in a soft warm place where it's never been before. That is all men care about. It is absolutely disgusting. I know one man in his 60's who proudly told me he had been with 369 women in his life. Another one told me he had been with 465. Men are counting coup. It is beyond disgusting. It's appalling and it makes me glad there is war. We need less of this shit on the planet.
Although I met a few other men over the years, who were good enough in bed that I would have enjoyed being in a relationship with them, and I had hope that we might be able to have a mutual simultaneous ogasm together, if we practiced sex for a while on a repeated and regular basis, it was 30 years before I met another man who could make absolute magical sex. But he told me up front that he didn't want to be in a relationship either. It was a lie, because he changed his mind as soon as another woman he was courting for sex refused to do it without a commitment.
When she refused to have sex without a monogamous commitment, he felt trapped and got mad at me, because I was an obstacle to his attainment. He stood me up on purpose, told me that he was glad that he did it, and accused me of trying to make it seem like we were in a relationship. He was the one who did that, not me. He was the one who got upset, accused me of using him, and insisted on having his bragging rights. He said he needed to tell other women about us, so they wouldn't get confused and think he wanted to be in a relationship with them if he sexed them up.
I was the one who didn't want anybody to know that I was having sex with someone who didn't want to be in a relationship with me, because I knew there would be a whole bunch of gossip about it. And sure enough there was. But it wasn't because I was going around trying to make it seem like we were in a relationship. I didn't do that. I am the one who didn't want anybody to know. It was because he was telling people that he was having sex with me. It is the most insidious thing that has ever happened to me.
Another man confided in me one time. He said that he once thought he wanted a woman who would let him do anything he wanted with her in bed. He looked for that and he found one. He said she was the best lover he ever had. She completely trusted him, and would let him do anything to her in bed. After a while he got tired of having sex with her, and realized that is not what he wanted after all. What he needed was someone to set and keep boundaries with him. He wanted a woman to marry and have his children. He wanted someone he could count on to be a good mother, not a good lover. He told me this because he was hoping I could tell him how to end his relationship with her, without hurting her. She had done nothing wrong, but be everything that he had ever thought he wanted.
I told him I was sorry, but men cannot be selfish pricks without hurting women. They need to get a grip on their dicks and stop being so disgusting.
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