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Re: Pain on parasite cleanse. Die off? by ennraii ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)

Date:   10/26/2015 1:50:58 PM ( 10 y ago)
Hits:   1,256

I'm not sure if you've mentioned it before to me. Maybe you have me mixed up with someone else?

Can you please tell me where I can get one from??? Ive looked into them but they are pretty pricy online..... and making one seems like it would take a while and a lot of effort.

Yes I do have her book and Ive read it, although not in order, I'm skipping some things and only reading what is relevant to me. I don't think she says you absolutely need to zap. In those testimonials by people she writes that some people just did the herbs.

Also, don't the herbs go into your bloodstream, thus killing them in other parts of your body too??

If you can recommend a good zapper that is reasonably priced I would definitely get it. But also, I have heard mixed things about zapping.

Also.... Clark died of cancer. So did she really have it figured out?

Looking forward to hearing what you have to say about these things.
Thanks :)


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