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Pee so much by eterna156 ..... Juicing Forum

Date:   10/25/2015 9:21:23 AM ( 10 y ago)
Hits:   935

So I been fasting for 1 month on juice, then switch to a another month water fast. Ok on the Water Fast I didn't pee a whole lot. But when I did it was a little at a time and dark. I would practice switching up with 3 days of dry fasting during this period as well.

Now I switch back to juice another 3 weeks in. The thing is, I pee like a race horse, every hour and for 40 seconds each time.

Is this normal, the pee is clear. I been dealing with Reactive Arthritis that came about after a chlamydia infection 6 years back. So my systems down there have been broken for awhile.

p.s. on a side note I think I might be experiencing true hunger since I'm small guy when I started all this and weighing in 95lbs at 5.8"(I look like Christen Bale in that movie the Machinist. I will get this random lump feeling in my throat a few hours out of the day and it is becoming more frequent.

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