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Candida? Please help! by eagles182 ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum

Date:   10/24/2015 5:27:54 PM ( 9 y ago)
Hits:   1,771

3 months ago I got chlamydia. I was on 2 Antibiotics for that. Cured. (I’ve always had good health and my doctor didn’t mention probiotics, so I didn’t take them during these two.)
Afterwards, I got a bad sinus infection. I was on 2 Antibiotics for that. Cured. (I took probiotics during these two)

During my sinus infection, I started to feel extremely fatigued, no energy, brain fog, anxiety, social withdrawal, loss of concentration, light sensitivity, some stomach issues, loose stool, etc., and penis issues. All issues I’ve never experienced in my life. I thought it was the sinus infection, but that cleared up, and the symptoms didn’t. I even got a CT scan to make sure it wasn’t head-related.

I haven’t had sex since the night I got chlamydia. The few times I’ve spank the monkeyd, it hurt.
- Red penis head and clearly irritated on the left side of the urethra (sometimes it goes away for a few hours, then returns)
- Some days it burns/hurts, some days I don’t feel anything.
- Sometimes my scrotum gets red and “warm”
- Sometimes it burns a little when I urinate
- Random penis head swelling
- Sometimes the color is back to normal, then I will urinate and literally watch it turn pink as I urinate.
- I’ve had a few sharp anal pains, but I don’t know if thats related or just random and normal.

Now, almost two months and multiple doctors and specialists later, I have no clue where to turn. My guess it that maybe it's candida? I'm truthfully out of ideas, extremely frustrated, equally terrified, and it has completely flipped my life upside down.

I’ve done the “spit test” a few times, and each time the results say I have candida.
I’ve taken online surveys, all results say I have candida.
I was tested for all STDs (negative), and my blood work and urinalysis both came back normal. My doctor is now doing a blood test for IgG, IgA, and IgM for Candida. The doctor gave me 4 days of Difuclan in the meantime (the 5th Antibiotic I’ve taken since August 7th). I am seeing a new urologist, as well as a Naturopathic/Holistic/Nutritionist in a few days.

Could chlamydia, a sinus infection, “lots” of Antibiotics , insomnia, more stress than ever before (intense new job, deaths in family, etc), drinking alcohol and eating worse than normal lead to candida? Thoughts?

The more I read, the more scared I get. Liver or prostate problems, cancer, etc.

I’ve been on the candida diet for 5 days while I wait for my results, and already have lost a few pounds. I’m pretty skinny. I really don’t want to lose weight.

thanks in advance for any help!

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