Re: Gift of healing... by vektek ..... Christianity Debate
Date: 10/9/2015 1:14:21 AM ( 10 y ago)
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Ed, the bottom line is this. I am 100% convinced of my position. I have prayed about it, studied it in the scriptures, seen writings from the early churches after the apostolic era confirming what I believe, and seen the experiential evidence of those that believe in your same position promoting counterfeit gifts with false teachings to go along with them.
So you are not going to change my mind and I don't expect to change yours.
You feel my position on this is dangerous. I feel your position is dangerous.
And you know we could keep going around and around with all this, but what good does it do? I suppose if someone was reading this that could be persuaded to the truth, that would be great. But honestly I am skeptical that that would happen. From what I've ever seen, most people don't change their minds from witnessing a debate. Maybe sometimes. Regardless, every believer has to go to God themselves on this matter, pray and study the scriptures and conclude for themselves what is true or not.
I do believe we are in a war more than ever at this stage with the church. The false is coming in droves, and as the scriptures say, even the elect could be deceived if that was possible. But again, everyone must take responsibility for themselves to find the truth.
One more thing I will add. I am not ignoring the fact that you talk about your glorifying the Lord all the time when you are on here, or that you talk of loving him so passionately and that you are so surrendered to him and strive for perfect obedience to him, or whatever else. How could I miss all that, how could anyone miss it? lol
But you are missing or ignoring what I am saying. This is all still what YOU are doing.
I want to hear what Christ has done and is doing for those that are his. I want to hear about him dying for sinners, exchanging his righteousness for our unrighteousness, his living to make intercession for us, his everlasting mercy and grace, his fulfilling the will of the Father to make sure not one sheep stays lost, his sending us the Holy Spirit to be our comforter, teacher, and counselor, his going to prepare a place for us that is beyond what we can imagine, his life on earth and all that he did to make salvation sure for his people, and his power to keep all that are his enduring to the end. I want to hear about him justifying, sanctifying, and eventually glorifying us, and the inheritance we have in Him for eternity. I want to hear about all the promises he has made to us that were given in the scriptures to encourage us, and inspire us, and cause us to grow in love so that we will bear fruit to Him. I want to hear about Him, and his works. I want to hear about his obedience to the Father so that we could be saved.
I don't see you talking about the works of Christ or his grace which is how anyone is saved. No one is saved by hearing about how obedient you are to the Lord, etc.
And because I think you are leading people astray with false teachings about the gift of healing, etc., that leads me to think all your talk about being so surrendered to the Lord, and glorifying him in all these healings you are doing, etc. is false. So it's not that I'm ignoring all this, I just don't believe it.
You think I am living in disobedience to the Lord for believing what I do. Well I think you are.
So what can we do? We can pray for one another! But trying to keep convincing one another of our positions is going no where as usual, don't you agree?
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