Statin drugs found to turn some people into raving, angry maniacs Learn more: by befurther ..... Drug Legalization Debate
Date: 8/9/2015 9:12:22 PM ( 10 y ago)
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Most people who live in large urban areas tend to be more liberal in their viewpoints. In addition, these larger, urban center are more likely (due to their sheer population numbers) to be users of mind-altering drugs pushed on them by Big Pharma that, according to a new study, can make them angry and psychotic.
Natural News readers are well aware that mass murderers are almost always taking some sort of psychotropic drugs, which desensitized them, made them angry and altered their moods in a variety of harmful ways. Now, scientists have discovered that statins, which can be used to treat high cholesterol, asthma and acne, can also alter moods and make normally placid people angry and aggressive, violent and jealous, suicidal and even homicidal.
As reported by the UK's Daily Mail:
This little understood threat was highlighted this month when researchers found that taking statins to lower cholesterol and prevent heart problems can make some women aggressive and violent, reports the authoritative science journal PLOS ONE.
In a study of 1,000 people by researchers from the University of California, scientists discovered a link between statins and aggression, and it was particularly significant in postmenopausal women over age 45.
Not just statins
Interestingly, women on statins who were normally placid were the most likely to become aggressive, researchers discovered. But Beatrice Golomb, the professor of medicine who led the study, said that among men statin users, only three showed large increases in aggression.
This association has been known for at least a decade, after having been uncovered by U.S. and Italian scientists, though why the connection exists is still a mystery. One theory is that lower levels of cholesterol in the brain could be to blame; studies have shown that violent prisoners are more likely to have low brain cholesterol.
But statins aren't the only medications known to cause mood swings and aggression. The prescription-only asthma drug Singulair was linked in 2008 to four suicides in the U.S. and one suicide attempt in Britain. The Food and Drug Administration, meanwhile, reports that 990 cases have been linked to the drug and higher levels of aggression. Other reported side effects include agitation and anxiety, hallucinations and depression, insomnia and irritability.
As Natural News has reported, almost one-fifth of Americans are now taking some form of psychotropic drug just to cope with their everyday lives.
And much of this use is concentrated in urban centers. As reported by Connecticut Health I-Team (C-HIT):
In Alexandria, Va., the rate of antidepressant use is the highest in the country, with a full 40 percent of residents receiving prescriptions.
Cape Cod, Mass., tops the country in the use of stimulants, with 16 percent of the population filling at least one prescription, compared to a mean of 2.6 percent nationally.
Gainsville, Fla., has the highest utilization rate of antipsychotics – 4.6 percent of residents, well above the national mean of .8 percent.
'Time bombs'
The study cited, by the Yale School of Management, also noted that higher rates of use generally occurred in urban or suburban regions where patients had greater access to health care facilities and primary care providers. Also, rates of use were higher in regions where Big Pharma companies spent more money marketing their psychotropics.
"Within Connecticut, the New Haven area had the highest rate of antidepressant use – 14.7 percent, compared to the mean of 10.4 percent nationally," C-HIT noted. "Stimulant use was highest in Stamford – 3.9 percent, compared to 2.6 percent nationally. Antipsychotic use was highest in the Hartford area – 3.8 percent, compared to the .8 percent national mean."
Higher rates of mind-altering statins and psychotropic medications are occurring just about everywhere, but they are having a profound affect on liberal cities and other urban centers, turning people into angry, jealous and suspicious time bombs.
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