Re: Final Thoughts on my being cured of Candida by #197999 ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum
Date: 8/5/2015 12:23:55 AM ( 10 y ago)
Hits: 31,460
Yeeh i respect Kresser also ,have not so much read him but he seems to have nice touch on health things. Ok well i been avoiding all grains more than a year anyway, and legumes mostly also ,lately skipped all legumes.
I think getting candida on control needs much lower Sugar levels than normal, some anti-fungals, probiotics and prebiotics which seems to be underestimated , i think prebiotics are the key becouse without prebiotics you can take probiotics lots but still might not get increased the good flora populations to the level it is required for getting candida & other in balance.
I am going to go with the potato starch,banana starch and the Galactomune you talk and see where that leads me.
I also take colostrum and glutamine first thing on the morning to repair gut.
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