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Date:   7/30/2015 3:54:07 PM ( 10 y ago)
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The libs are already using the latest mass shooting as a rallying cry for gun control. Before it was semi-automatic weapons. Now it’s handguns. Obama will do his usual jibber jabber about the dangers of the 2nd Amendment. MSNBC will spend hours on the subject. They will mention he was a member of the Tea Party 4,000 times in the next week. No agenda there, I’m sure.

Why isn’t there an uproar about the Drug Company responsibility in this murder? The Reuters articleburies  the best stuff at the very end of the article. What a surprise. 

Here are the pertinent passages:

A 59-year-old man who had been committed to a hospital for psychiatric care was identified by authorities on Friday as the gunman who fatally shot two people in a rampage at a crowded movie theater in central Louisiana before turning the gun on himself as police closed in.

Houser had a volatile relationship with his family, who said he had a history of mental illness. In April 2008, he was ordered not to contact his wife, daughter and other relatives after they filed a request for a protective order against him in Carroll County, Georgia.

In the request, Houser’s estranged wife, Kellie Houser, said she feared for his “volatile mental state” after he threatened to stop the wedding of his daughter and her boyfriend, according to court records.She said her husband was on daily medications for manic-depression and bipolar disorder at the time.

Earlier, Houser was involuntary committed to a hospital for psychiatric care, according to court documents. His family was concerned he could be a danger to himself and others, according to the petition.

He was denied a concealed carry permit in Russell County, Alabama in 2006 because of a report or domestic violence filed against him by his wife in 2005 and a previous arrest, authorities said.

When will the MSM ever do a report on how EVERY mass shooter happens to be on psychotropic drugs when they commit the crime? Never. Because the massive pharmaceutical corporations provide a huge chunk of their advertising revenues. The MSM are nothing but whores. Journalism and truth are not part of their agenda.

Evidently, this guy hosted a local TV show, was politically active, and attended city council meetings. Did he go crazy after he started taking the psychotropic drugs or before?

So we have a mentally deranged man on psychotropic drugs who shoots people with a handgun, and somehow the storyline is about gun control. It sounds to me like the system worked. He was denied a permit to carry after a criminal background check. That means he also couldn’t buy a gun.

Can you believe that a deranged, drugged up killer actually disobeyed the law and carried an illegal gun into a movie theater? How dare he break the law. If we just had tougher gun laws I’m sure he would have had second thoughts.

This isn’t a story about guns. It’s a story about MSM whores and drug companies responsiblity for the mass murders in this country.


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