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Finishing Day 8...concerns by 1rstTimer ..... Master Cleanse Support Forum

Date:   1/9/2005 2:33:07 AM ( 20 y ago)
Hits:   1,030

I'm almost to my goal of ten days!! This is my first time and there are a couple of concerns i have as i prepare to wind down. and they don't have to do so much with what's happening, but instead what's not happening.

The psychology of not eating has easily been the toughest part. I'm worried thought that I haven't seemed to go through some of the detox difficulties you all talk about, and that scares me a little that I'm not getting my money's worth. Here are some examples

1)While my tongue was coated somewhat, i never got a thick coating or the rancid breath that was mentioned. And that bad taste in my mouth didn't last very long.

2)My BM's never really got solid and my eliminations stayed at around 3-ish per day, most seeming to be in response to either the laxative or the SWF. is this normal? they have not changed much in appearance or consistency.

3)I never really experienced increased Body Odor , rashes or pimples of any sort. my skin does seem softer, but i almost feel undeserving.

4)My weight seems not to have changed much. I didn't do this primarily as a reducer, but I could stand to lose a few pounds. minor worry, more of a vanity-but it would've been nice.

5)I have not had any increase in mucus or any sort of congestion. I would love to see some as I'm prone to allergies and hay fever.

6)I've not had many abnormal joint or muscle pains. This one kinda gets me down because i'm creaky for my age (32) and was hoping this would repair some of my scar tissue.

One thing I've experienced is an increase in Depression over the last couple of days, which i've heard happens.

I'd love to know that I'm just not that toxic, but I've got to be honest in saying that I'm an eater who's not always been kind my body, so I doubt that's the truth.

Well, thanks for getting through this long-winded message of mine. I know there's still two days left, so perhaps my questions are premature. I just wanted to get a reading from someone more experienced If you can shed some light on my worries, I would greatly appreciate the effort. Thanks!

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