Re: Sulfur Homeopathic Nightmare by #199443 ..... Homeopathy Support & Experiences
Date: 7/5/2015 8:18:56 PM ( 10 y ago)
Hits: 559
This might be old information based on the date of this post, but I have a reason for the reaction to sulfur.
Homeopathics address symptoms. The term homeopathic is defined as same cause as cure where if a substance in the full strength form causes a symptom such as skin rash, the homeopathic form of the same substance will take the symptom away. Also, if the symptom is not present and the patient continues to take doses of the remedy, then it is "proved" where the symptom becomes manifest. This would not usually happen if the patient does what a patient should do which is take no more than a few doses and if the problem does not begin to get better, then the remedy should be discontinued.
Remedies are used for many different things and sometimes it takes some experimentation to discover the correct remedy. If you get a reaction or "proving" from a remedy, antidote it with camphor on the wrist.
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