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the bold truth! by Pixer ..... Ask Trapper

Date:   6/29/2015 6:30:40 AM ( 9 y ago)
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ALL these groups need to understand at one point, Big Letter agencies/Intelligence/witches/wizzards and basically all those who summon and use the spirits or the "elemental forces", The all encompassing difference between Created and CREATOR.

"So also, when we were underage, we were in slavery under the elemental spiritual forces of the world."
Galatians 4:3

"Since you died with Christ to the elemental spiritual forces of this world, why, as though you still belonged to the world, do you submit to its rules"
Colossians 2:20

Once you are an servant of the King of Kings, and the Most High CREATOR, none of these "Jinn Servers" has any legal authority to accuse or come against you. Even their main chief knows this very well, so why should one fear lover level agencies and their minions when the Devil himself knows what the truth is?

Created beings, even if they suffer from ignorance and amnesia, should realize that the One who created ALL will always be "In Charge".
It is certainly NOT the one you think is "In Charge" that calls the ultimate shots.

And let me list (Rant):
DNA manipulation, exotic Viruses, Toxins, Plagues, Black Oil, Nano robotic dust, radiation, Frequency war/mindcontrol, weather/HAARP manipulation, famine, terror, soddomy, ritual abuse/sacrifice, manipulating time, CERN, numerological "work" at certain grids/coordinates, absorbing "quickening" from killed/victims, sword and persecution (ala Paul)
= DID WORK TO SOME EXTENT IN THE PAST, BUT WILL NOT SUCCEED IN THE LONG RUN. Time is soon up, because "Non of them can stoppahh the time".

ADVICE = Go all inn on Repent! (To me that is the one green spot on the casino roulette, forget all the black and red)

"But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."
Mathew 7:14

The Matrix and Archonic Mirage is just a lousy attempt to make a optical illusion to try to convince most that this ETERNAL truth is NOT true, that Jesus Christ won the victory, that he deleted the power of the Devil, defeated death and robbed/stripped ALL the elemental spirits who raises themselves against God, of their terror/accusing powers forever.

The reason many does not live in/with this supreme spiritual authority, is because they do not fully acknowledge or understand/believe just HOW TRUE this FACT is. Its like a too big zip file being downloaded, it takes a lot of time to take it in and work it into your life as absolute truth.

What if a Cat first believed it only had 9 lives, then came to the realization that it was granted everlasting life, in a perfect heavenly reality...

"Bend knee, bend knee in the heaven, bend knee, bend knee on the earth,
Let the hearth be emptied of all pride, lift your eyes to the Highest one,
And let him radiate trough, He that carries the name above all names,
He that is exalted above all, Jesus Christ he is The Lord"


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