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Low red blood platelets by #198617 ..... Ask Dr. Sutter

Date:   6/10/2015 2:12:02 AM ( 10 y ago)
Hits:   1,503

Dr. Sutter, How can I improve circulation to my feet and toes ? I am currently challenged by low red blood platelets- of 62, which dropped from 64, the normal range is 150 to 400, I feel my symtoms of a swollen spleen, fatigue, short breath, mental fog, etc. may be the cause. I am to see an oncology/hematology doctor, to know the cause, but afraid of treatments. I read oxygen is good. Can you please shed light on what may be best ? Like breathing oxygen or an air ozonator, which I just learned of on here ? I had an illeocecal resection in 84, losing the part, that absorbs B vitamins and fats. Thank you and this site.
Blessings to all !

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