Re: Autism in children vs adults by joegrane ..... Autism Alternatives Forum
Date: 6/4/2015 12:37:51 PM ( 10 y ago)
Hits: 1,326
Sorry for the delay in responding
Why has the autism rate skyrocketed in the past 25 yrs?
If you are looking for leads about how you can try to improve your health, you might find something at the links below.
Boyd Haley, former chair of the chem dept at the U of KY.
There is much more from Haley on Youtube
Since surveyed parents who have used heavy metal detox (chelation) tend to report encouraging improvements, I suggest that you look into that as a part of your attempt to improve health.
Andrew Cutler, PhD chemistry on chelation for autistic kids--and adults.
Part. 1
Part 2.
Cutler on basics for adult detox.
Cutler and A Holmes, a noted autism doctor, on struggling with doctors and her formerly autistic son's improvements with chelation, etc.
Remember if your insurance co does not pay for detox--most likely doesn't--don't expect your doctor do want to do anything about it. there are other factors discouraging doctors from messing with detox.
Other factors that might also be contributing to the combination of symptoms called "autism".
Are vaccines another contributing factor?
Are powerful individuals in government and big business trying to cover up the link?
If you'd like to learn more about detox/chelation you could check out the chelation groups here and at Yahoo groups. There are a number of young people with high level autism or aspergers in teh groups.
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