Re: lomng term coffee enemas daily. jsut as good as liver flush? have you gotten stones this way? by farang ..... Liver Flush Support Forum
Date: 5/21/2015 8:22:24 AM ( 10 y ago)
Hits: 1,219
I have been doing daily coffee enemas for the last six months and I have also been doing monthly liver flushes.
For the first time last week I actually passed what looked like a stone doing a coffee enema.
It was light green and I felt something in my liver gallbladder area before it came out.
But it could well have been lodged there from the flush I did a week or two beforehand.
I think you need to do both.
I love the coffee enemas and I think the flushes are much easier on your whole body if you do regular coffee enemas.
I don't ever get heaps of stones out during Liver Flushes but I always feel great the day after so I guess they are working pretty well.
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