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Serious: Chlamydial antibiotic resistance is an escalating issue! by raiman91 ..... Chlamydia Forum

Date:   5/3/2015 12:12:02 PM ( 10 y ago)
Hits:   3,382

Dear Forum,

I would like to draw your attention to an important, but often overlooked by specialists, issue of growing Antibiotic resistance of chlamydia. Many experts agree that chlamydia possesses a rather complex structure and living cycles, both in vivo an din vitro. However, very few have documented cases where the bacteria has become resistant to common Antibiotics , such as azithromycin and doxycycline. Nonetheless, after surfing the Internet, I have come across various known health boards and forums where many people began to show up with their stories of suffering from what has become a vicious cycle. They would become partners with chlamydia carriers, become infected, get tested, and were put on the conventional medical regimes of Antibiotics for 7 to 14 days. What is consistent across their stories is that they all had their symptoms persist even in spite of negative test results. In spite of their scope of knowledge, medical specialists are often stubborn preferring to rely on their tests only even in spite of the very possibility that these tests may go obsolete at any point if there happens to be a normal change in the genome of the bacteria they were meant to test. So, these poor patients end up elsewhere with no options to treat their illness, which, nonetheless, begins to gradually overcome their health.

Chlamydia does not stay just in reproductive system. It has all the properties needed to climb up the pathway to the gut. More often than not, chlamydia can be also transferred from the initial site, i.e. penis or vagina, to other membranes such as rectum or eyes. The latter is given the name inclusion conjunctivitis and is nothing short of chlamydia's extension in its taking over the host's system. From the eyes, Chlamydia can then propagate to the nose and ears. This can happen in different ways, but most commonly through the pillows and in the shower. Chlamydia then gets to the heart, lungs and joints. By the time people get reactive arthritis, they already become subjects to numerous other chronic complications, all vastly exacerbating their quality of life.

As one of such cases, I decided to start this thread and get to know people experiencing a similar situation and share our stories and research in order to overcome this terrible parasite.

Thank you!

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