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I get all of these during every coffee enema .. what are they?? (GRAPHIC) by marturo ..... Ask Humaworm: Parasites

Date:   3/24/2015 11:40:38 PM ( 10 y ago)
Hits:   4,844

I get all of these during every coffee enema (I've done 5 or 6 so far in the last two weeks) .. anyone know what they are? I know some of it is undigested vegetable leaves, but I can't identify some of what the other stuff may be, the things which look like clear, squishy "onion-skins", red & yellow "corn kernels" (I haven't eaten any lately), bright red slimy things, etc.:

And, I do salt water enemas after each coffee enema, and it always produces a neon-orange cloudy foam - what could this be?

Thank you

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