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Re: Black pin size spots and itchy skin by Lilacs8282 ..... Ask CureZone Community

Date:   2/25/2015 11:00:36 PM ( 10 y ago)
Hits:   18,718

I have this really bad about a year ago....its almost like a superscabies. I tried everything including permethrin and ivermectin....they didn't work. My family dr treated me like I was crazy. Finally I read about BORAX, the laundry detergent....its the only thing that kills them. I threw out most furnishings. talks about this thing maybe called morgellons. The dr TED on that site saved my life....I was going crazy. Borax is a natural mineral and natural insecticide. You must wash your clothes in borax and also drink it.....1/8 teaspoon in a liter of water sipped gradually....a liter of this water every day for four days...then have a bath with borax and you will see so many black speck come out of you. I am soooo much better but every time I go to an infested place, it starts all over so I grab the borax....its never ending, but it can be managed. They also went to my scalp and I was losing so much hair so I had to order tetrasodium EDTA powder and mix with water in a spray bottle and spray the scalp and spray the house from the ceiling down. It is clear and no smell but its sticky and stings a bit. Good will get better.

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