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Re: An Article about LIVER FLUSHES which Puzzled me.. (!) by Heavensky ..... Liver Flush Support Forum

Date:   2/8/2015 1:46:35 PM ( 9 y ago)
Hits:   5,494

Hi Nadia,

You most certainly can help her, and you will be doing her a great service and saving her immense complication down the road by directing her toward this very safe and effective, self healing procedure, rather than surgery,

A very high percentage of people who have had their gallbladders removed still suffer from 'gallbladder attacks', and that is because most of the stones are trapped in the liver, not the gallbladder. Liver is what produces gall (bile) in the first place and is where tons of different hormones, drugs and chemicals are dumped for elimination which highly increase it's risk of dehydrating and clumping into stones.

Not only does gallbladder surgery miss it's target, but it greatly reduces the person's chances at fully removing the congestion from the liver, because it's the gallbladder's storage and contraction mechanism that is utilized to force bile through the ducts fast enough to push the material out.

The gallbladder is connected to the spleen, and the spleen is connected to the heart, which is why people who have had their gallbladder's taken out have more heart attacks.

You can most certainly take your Chlorella powder drinks during the six days leading up to the flush, but I would wean off of it the day prior, and the day of the flush because anything with high nutrition content requires quite a bit of action on the liver's part, and I feel that it needs to be as close to rest, idled state when the flush ingredients are ingested - that gives the liver a huge number of things to process at that time.

I personally drink the 'Vega One' whole food supplement in almond milk leading up to the days prior to the flush, and then eat warm apples during the day prior, and hardly anything on the day of the flush. Be sure you do not intake any fats during the day prior or day of - some people abstain from fats for three days prior, some only go two days, and some believe the gallbladder is fully reloaded within 24 hours. You may want to experiment with that - I have tried 24 hours, and it worked well, but I feel the most important part is keep thing stomach and colon clean at the time of ingestion of the flush ingredients.

Even if the food doesn't contain fat, if you have something in the stomach too close to the time you are ready to ingest the flush ingredients, it seems to interfere with the gallbladder's hoarding of bile. You want to keep all of those fluids in, and ready to be dispatched all at once with force, not leaking out leading up to it to deal with foods in the stomach,

I highly recommend taking Gold Coin Grass in tincture form, that comes diluted in a tiny bit of alcohol. The alcohol is transported directly into the liver, coupled with the GCG, making a very powerful stone breaker regimen.

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