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Re: liver fluke? by MikeNike ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)

Date:   1/26/2015 6:00:56 PM ( 9 y ago)
Hits:   19,523

I cannot identify any small opening on their backs; because I never ever had any health-problems since June2014, when I had flushed everything out from my intestines using seasalt.

Practically every living creature in my belly left out. Six6 sessions in six6 weeks; cumulatively ingesting approx 800grams of seasalt.

Prior to this seasalt treatment I also did six6 sessions of liver-cleanses, each one done weakly starting August2013. Hereby ingesting oil/epsomsalt did not result in any such creatures being excreted. Though I did excrete some creatures such as these:
The noticeable improvements after liver-cleanses were: eight8 hours transit-time and perferct stools. But the constant pain I had in the lower right, around appendix, still was persisting. Thus liver-cleanses (epsom salt) did not attack them.

About herbal remedies, I confess that I ingested... well.. basically ate garlic like apples, one/two big-fatty bulbs each day. Nothing !
Thyme-, basilika-, coriander greens, caraway, cloves, chilipeppers, wormwood, red beets, carrots, pumpkin, onions, papaya, horseraddish. Also nothing !
No milk, no breads, no rice, no sweats and no candy did not alleviate my belly right pain.
All these resulted in a tapeworm being expelled, thats it, one fat long healthy pig-taperworm. Despite getting rid of that tapeworm, I still had pain in the lower right.

Started in January2014 to take veterinarian strength chemical-medicines in hight doses under two2 weaks. Pain remained the same.

June2014 I was told to try a gulp of kerosene, diesel or terebentina. Which I never did, because in the meantime I found about something called "shank prasalanka" which is a mild, low concentration salt cleanse. Thus, I postponed the diesel-treatment. But if the salt would not had succeeded eliminating my pain then I would next done the diesel-drinking.

Fortunately from the very first session of seasalt ingestion (approx 100~120grams), in ten10 hours timespan I started to shit out creatures like those ones in the pictures:


Yes, it may have been that seasalt dehydrated those bugs, but also it did me. The moment I started to get headaches, I immediatelly stopped ingestion of seasalt, and instead drunk lots of fresh water. Headaches went away in 30/45minutes, and me was peeing alot and shiting alot of water-brine-salt. Must remind readers that seasalt can be deadly because it pulls water from the brain, and if the kidneys are not working, then, the salt remains in the body long time until the brain shrinks !


Also want to point out that there exists many human belly parasites, which scientists have not yet identified. For example, even scientists themseves are being attacked by such unknown creatures, see here:

even scientists do not know what kind of bugs are living inside humans:



Right now I am very happy to be pain- and digestion-dissorder- free !.


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