Re: Social Anxiety due to Body Odor by #167206 ..... Body Odor Forum
Date: 12/10/2014 8:50:35 AM ( 11 y ago)
Hits: 2,961
What do you need friends for? I have friends and wish those motherf***ers would leave me alone. Inevitably the comments and hints will come because with Body Odor you'll always be the odd one out. Every f***ing talk you have, depending on the intensity someone will weave the words stink,smell and ass (if you have fecal bo) into their sentences. Yeah try to act normal then.To them you're just someone who doesn't wash. And then they try that reverse psychology bullshit, talking about "people who stink". As someone with bo you'll always have to discuss "people who stink" because you're dumb and they wish you will get it after the thousand comment. Go out as much as you want, it will make you more miserable than if you stayed inside.
And it's always your fault, no matter how much you explain it's a condition and so on, nope they don't get it thru their f***ing heads.
Body Odor is the worst condition in the world, you can't make this shit up.
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