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Thanks by jfrang1 ..... Ask Barefoot Herbalist

Date:   12/5/2014 12:06:48 PM ( 11 y ago)
Hits:   879

Hello MH,
I wanted to say thanks.  I have been using your herbal concoctions for less than two months and it has already changed my life. 

I don't believe in Dr's or processed foods.  I no longer work on the bench, but I am a chemist.  It makes me sick to see what chemicals the FDA allows to be put in food and to see how prescription drugs are pushed by Dr's  I have not been to a Dr. in over 10 years despite having very good insurance.  I have avoided processed (fast food) for about the same time frame.  I believed in curing with food.  I'd changed my diet when I did not feel good.  This is before I moved

I felt my health slipping the last few years.  I moved to Maryland from Illinois about 4 years ago.  My new position is incredibly stressful and routinely work 12-14 hour days with 2 hours of total commute time.  I was living on the companies dime for the first 5 months and all my meals were from restaurants  I developed bad habits such as eating crap and drinking way too much.  I hid it well, but for the first time in my life I had a long streak of depression.   I developed ridiculously bad acne, majority on my back.  Pustules were routinely as big as an inch.  This last year the acne moved up to my head, neck and face,   I used vinegar compress to keep it in check, but stopped working this year.  Had a lot of days where I could  not concentrate, and felt discombobulated .  I was tired and unmotivated all the time, but did not sleep much.  Developed constant kidney pain, sometimes acute.  I passed my first kidney stone at 20 so I thought it was another bout with stones.  Overall I did not feel well, and changing my diet to mostly vegitarian did not seem to help much.

I discovered Curezone  while looking for kidney stone remedy.  I purchased your kidney/pancreas tincture.   Sharp pains stopped, but I still felt the dull kidney ache.  After reading a lot on Cuezone I decided to try LBB and continue with another bottle of Kidney tincture.  I started out taking 4 capsules 3 to 4 times a day but would take more on weekends.  Due to the positive results I increased my LBB intake.  I finished the 550 count LBB in less than a month.  First week I seemed to pass all mucus.  Second week my morning bowel movement was solid.  In the afternoons I would have several pressurized movements with A LOT of fluke (did not know what the were at first).  Once I figured out what they were I read more and more.  .  Purchased more Kidney, LBB and added P/W A, olive leaf and oregano oil to my daily regimen.  Continued to pass more fluke.  I'm amazed on how many parasites were in my body.  Feels like I passed 20 lbs of parasites.  2-3 bowel movements in the afternoon for 3 weeks loaded with fluke.   First couple weeks (LBB only) the majority were white.  I started to see a lot of red fluke when I started P/W A.  Mass amounts of fluke have recently stopped.  Majority of my movements are solid now  and I see a few larger dark brown fluke in my stool.  This morning I passed a 5" and 1/4 inch thick worm segment.   Intrigued to see what comes next.

Been taking LBB for a  little over a month.  P/W A, olive leaf, and oregano oil for ~ 2 weeks.  My back is almost clear of acne,  I do have some scaring. I wish I took before and after pictures, I'm not sure if I'd believe it if someone else stated this.  I'm sleeping longer and feel better.   I am thinking clearer and more focused than I have in a long time.  Kidney's feel much better.

I'm sure my body is still messed up andI look forward to the next steps of fixing it.

Just wanted to say thanks and hopefully encourage someone else

Thanks Again,
41 year old male 6' 210 lbs


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