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Trying to use herbal powders as deodorants by n22alpha ..... Body Odor Forum

Date:   11/17/2014 9:14:26 AM ( 11 y ago)
Hits:   1,219

So basically I've made some progress with my BO which is coming from my aprocine glands on my groin, buttocks, scalp and feet. I found that citric acid works well but the problem is if I use it in my scalp and hair I'll end up with lightened hair (or so i've read). So I've decided to try herbs.

I want ot know does anyone use herbal powders( sage, thyme, coriander etc.) as deodorant and which herbs would you recommend??? I hear they have antibacterial properties so I guess its worth a shot.

I know sage works but I'm not sure how sage smells does it smell good??? should I just add some essential oils to overpower the scent and wouldn't the essential oils just breakdown in the sun while there in my hair??

sorry for long post thanks for reading.

Has anyone tried juices such as tomato juice, radish juice or turnip juice for Body Odor ??? would they lighten hair???

Also would boric acid be safe to use on your hair or tannic acid???


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