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Re: Getting worst after over 2 months of using complete Bob Beck protocol. by aifam55 ..... Dr. Bob Beck Forum

Date:   11/12/2014 4:10:59 AM ( 10 y ago)
Hits:   11,947

Whatever you say. You say wrist to wrist and ankle to ankle is exactly wrong. I and others used the same wrist and were told that was "exactly wrong" too. I used all methods and used 2 zappers at once and at least 1 zapper for a minimum of 8 hours a day for YEARS. What was "exactly wrong" was Beck's claims on HIV. He flat out lied. "Santa Clause" was liar and disinformation agent. Repeated results by many others show the Beck zapper does not work on HIV, period. When faced with these facts. Beck groupies like to then state the blood tests mean nothing or are inaccurate. The trouble with that is that Beck "claimed" he used blood tests to prove his methods work. Where are those tests? Hulda Clark published everything before Beck went around saying Clark methods were garbage.
It's people like you that keep insisting Beck protocol was a good method for HIV that caused me to waste untold hours attempting to prove him RIGHT and found out in the process that he instead flat out lied. IF I did not waste all that time, I might have found a REAL answer. But we can safely assume that was the purpose of Beck, to send us in the Wrong direction. His zapper does work on Some issues. All disinformation always has some truth.
And I'll state to you again Beck originally did NOT use the same wrist method. He came up with that later for convenience and due to people with pacemakers. The Beck zapper does help with some things and the ankle to ankle method is far more effective than the same wrist method. NO Beck zapper or protocol method works on HIV, period. Likely it INCREASES it. The frequency he used is GROWTH and Regeneration. Now go tell me "frequency does not matter", because of the Kaali & Lyman "patent". I call it out again "Dr" Beck = CIA Disinformation.


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