In Dec. '97 and Jan. '98 My wife (native Costa Rican, Now US citizen) and I spent the holidays in Costa Rica. I had already read "Folk Medicine" by D.C. Jarvis and while we were visiting one of my wife's friends I noticed our hostess (the wife) seemed in pain. Upon querying her she said she only had one of her daily migraines which she has suffered most of her life. The migraines began when she was around 12 years and she rarely went even one day since without them. No doctors had done anything for her. She "lived" on Ibuprofen, 1000mgs 2/3 times a day. She was 52 Y.O. I mentioned the Folk Medicine book and 2 tsp vinegar with 2 tsp honey in a full glass of water. I told her it was worth a try, but (fearing it may take a while to take effect) I told her to try it faithfully for at least a week before abandoning it. I returned next day (1/2 block away) to find her bright and smiling giving me a big hug! NO MIGRAINE!! This was surprising enough, but I was skeptical...placebo?....To be brief, she ran out of vinegar at 25 days, and thought she was mugraines, no pain killers. After 4 days with no mixture she had her first migraine again, and we quickly got her some more vinegar. Immediately, on re-starting the vinegar/honey drink, no migraines. When we left to return to USA she was on her 45th day without migraines except for the day mentioned. She now drinks 2 glasses a day and so far, NO MIGRAINES!! I of course felt delighted to have been able to help her this way. She had the real thing with flashing lights, sounds, grinding pain. She really looks like a different, bright, person. Any one wishing to verify this I can give her name and address in C.R. Her daughter is married and lives here in the USA near us. Dan Manning
I have a passion about learning good nutritional information. Reading this book taught me about the eating habits of healthy, hard working Vermonters for the last couple hundred years. I can say that drinking the vinegar, honey and water mix is making my arthritic hip joint feel better. No more stabbing pain. I drink 6 to 8 ounces of the honey/ vinegar mix (2 tsp. raw apple cider vinegar, 2 tsp. raw honey and water) with each meal. I make up a quart at a time and add 1/8 tsp. of Celtic sea salt to the quart. That's 8 tsp. vinegar and 8 tsp. honey to each quart and water to fill the jar. I think drinking the solution has dissolved the bone spurs on my hip joint which were seen on my last xray. Bone spurs are calcium deposits in the wrong place in the body. Bone spurs snag nerves causing pain. D.C. Jarvis M.D. says the vinegar solution puts the misplaced calcium back into solution and re deposits the calcium into the bones and teeth where calcium belongs. The solution also helps with digestion.