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First post by #69242 ..... The Funny Farm

Date:   10/8/2014 2:30:14 PM ( 11 y ago)
Hits:   904

in the ask grizz forum:

why is your neck so freaking gigantically huge like a giant goiter if Iodine worked so well?

second question:

you are trapped in the desert with no supplies. A genie manifests and says grizz here are two bottles to choose from. one is Iodine and the other is a 5 gallon jug of water. which one is more valuable to you?

third question:

who would you rather be romantic with, your wife or a giant tub of chocolate pudding?

4: would you ban me instantly from your forum preemptively, or wait for me to post?

5: dibbs on me moderating the ask grizz debate forum.


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