There is a reason why most of us visit this site by Vicki76543 ..... Colloidal Silver Forum
Date: 9/27/2014 6:00:50 PM ( 11 y ago)
Hits: 3,308
I would like to add my medical problems from a medical doctor that put me on statin drugs for 7 long years. I started out couldn't breathe, then could no longer hardly walk, then wore 8 braces and was on crutches, then couldn't remember where I was when driving, then i am suddenly a type two diabetic, then high blood pressure, then could no longer go to the bathroom and in extreme pain, then cll leukemia, then breast cancer... All from taking a stupid cholestrol medication, that i was told to take or I would have a stroke or a heart attack. I was 3 points above what he thought I should be. Well my heart is fine and vessels, but I now have 15 serious medical problems and two cancers from these statin drugs, I have no doubt in my mind it was the statins. I was put on steriods and Antibiotics steadily for 15 years and no doctor could ever tell me why I had or was so sick. Because of my studying statins and the hidden research results on them, and going back and getting all my lab work, I discover the millions of people having the same problems as me. To date most medical doctors won't listen or research the side effects. I believe in helping myself anymore with eating right and researching and exercise. Do not always listen to your doctor or take the medications he gives you without researching for yourself.
My bills are well over a million dollars now because I was told I had to take this drug or I would die. My oncologist agrees with me on the cancers. Yes I probably will die now, but from cancers.
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