Re: Weight gain on day 7 by leaf49 ..... Master Cleanse Support Forum
Date: 9/2/2004 7:52:30 PM ( 21 y ago)
Hits: 1,922
Hi! We've got 8 days done now!! I've only lost 4 lbs and I have about 50+ to lose. I'm sure my long cleanse will take care of some of it, and the mostly raw diet I have planned for afterwards will take care of the rest. It's taken me almost three years of trying to lose the fifty lbs I've already lost.
The last two days were rough for me, maybe detox, but a lot to do with lack of sleep I think. So last night I skipped the senna tea so I could get a full night's sleep and felt better today. I did the SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) and it seemed just as effective as when I've taken the tea the night before. I think I'll just do the tea on days when I can go back to bed for a couple of hours after the evacuation halts. The SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) runs through fairly quickly if I drink it soon as I get up it seems to have completed its transit by the time I leave for work.
My tongue looks awful and my mouth tastes hideous. One night I couldn't sleep for the awful breath.
My face has been red a lot and Acne breaking out. I'm wondering if it's the cayenne. I'm going to back off on it and see what effect that has.
I'm not feeling great but I don't feel drained or wiped out from the cleanse either. I've actually had a few better than average days. I imagine this is what I can expect throughout the entire course, with good days getting better as more toxins are released. I noticed today I was walking a little taller and beginning to feel clean, though of course I'm not, but everything's relative, so I'm clean compared to a week ago.
One week down, six to go!
Be clean,
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