UV and other sun related info by risingsun ..... Depression Forum
Date: 10/16/2004 7:58:02 PM ( 21 y ago)
Hits: 2,911
URL: https://www.curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=22044
In the two hours before sunset after dawn, the UV rating is generally safe. Normally the UV rating will be 5 or less during these times of day. At the bottom of the page are several links. The first is a global weather site that updates hourly. If the UV rating is 5 or less then anyone but those alergic to sunlight would be safe. Check the other links as they could be useful as well.
The Electromagnetics of Health
Sunlight is composed of many different levels of energy. This energy is transmitted in the form of electromagnetic waves. These electromagnetic waves vary in length from .00001 of a nanometer (for cosmic rays, as they are called by science, and a nanometer is 1/1,000,000,000 of a meter) to about 5,000 kilometers, or 3,100 miles for electric waves. This is an incredibly wide range of energy radiations for one singular source to produce.
Not all of these energy rays from the sun reach the earth's surface and our bodies. The atmosphere that surrounds the earth protects it from absorbing all but a small and safe portion of these numerous wavelengths emitted by the sun. Of the waves that do reach the earth's surface, the human eye can only see a very small portion. It has been estimated that the human eye can see only a fraction of 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum that does reach beyond the layers of atmospheric protection so well provided for our safety. Ultraviolet and infrared radiation that does penetrate and come into our atmosphere is invisible to the human eye. It is the ultraviolet portion of sunlight that has been scientifically proven to be the most biologically active, and unfortunately, it has also been ultraviolet light that is eliminated and filtered out by common window glass and the supposedly solar transmitting glazes that are commonly used in our buildings today. Even sunglasses and clothing prevent the proper amount of sunlight and ultraviolet light from reaching our bodies and bringing vibrant and healthful properties to full peak.
The amount of ultraviolet light that is available from the sun depends upon the season and the location where you are on earth. The more atmospheres that the ultraviolet light has to pass through, the less there will be to reach the earth. In the winter, when the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun the sunlight must pass through more atmosphere, therefore less ultraviolet light is available for our bodies, not to mention for plants and other living things that depend upon sunlight for proper development and growth.
Sunlight emits all forms of electromagnetic rays, including cosmic rays, gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet rays, and near-ultraviolet rays in the visible range that our eyes see as color, and short wave, ultraviolet, infrared, radio waves, electric waves, and the incredibly long waves which reach us as heat and warmth. Unfortunately the current medical concept of sunlight incorrectly preaches to us of a "harmful and dangerous" sun, one that is responsible for aging, and capable of causing skin cancer. Fortunately though, this concept is responsible for the great amount of research done on the effects of sunlight on humans, animals and plants. This research provides an abundance of technical materials on the true effects of sunlight and its relation to human health and longevity. Undeniably, the sun plays a role in the development of skin cancer but is not the main factor in such problems.
Past Wisdom, Present Sense
Viruses are developing beyond the chemical protection of current medicine at an alarming rate, it may be wise to re-visit the antiseptic prevention therapy known as sunlight.
Hippocrates and Pythagoras wrote extensively on the use of sunlight in the processes of healing. Another famous Greek who wrote much on the use of sun therapy was Antyllus, a physician who wrote of the Greek "sunbaths" -- "Persons expose themselves to the sun, some cover themselves with oil and others do not, some lie down and some are seated, while others stand or play. Sunlight exposure prevents an increase in body weight and strengthens the muscles. It makes fat disappear. It reduces as well, hydropic swelling."
Herodotus was called the father of Heliotherapy as the result of his frequent reference to the healing properties of the sun and his use of this in his medical practice. One of his statements is, "Exposure to the sun is highly necessary for persons whose health is in need of restoring. In every season, the patient should permit the rays of the sun to strike full upon him. But, in the summer, this method should be lessened because of the heat."
The Greeks practiced "aerination" or the exposure of the nude body to sunlight, specifically in the sand. The places where they practiced this were called "aerinaries" and this was usually by the seaside. The practice itself was called Heliosis.
Humans are heliotropes -- we are electronically plugged into the sun's rays and when this connection is severed, disorder is soon to follow. Particular minerals and enzymes in the body's cells that could normally be activated will not receive the proper wavelengths and will remain in the dark. They do not catalyze normal, cellular metabolic reactions. This translates into less energy exchange, glandular insufficiencies, and reduced ability to burn fats and toxins.
The body is an electrical bio-system, collecting energy from the atmosphere. We feel more energetic on bright days and less so on dull days. The nerve ganglia all over the body may be reasonably likened to electric wires for conducting photons of light energy collected by the skin and eyes and distributed to the internal organs and cells. Skin health and vitality is essential for proper absorption of light. Without a balanced spectrum of light in our daily diet, we suffer from what Dr. John Ott aptly calls "malillumination syndrome." A quote from Dr. John Ott states, "My studies indicate that light is a nutrient, similar to all other nutrients we take in, we need the full spectrum range of natural daylight. Malillumination occurs when wavelengths are missing in various types of artificial light or are filtered from natural light passing through window glass, windshields, sunglasses, smog, and even suntan lotion. Those particular minerals in chemicals in the individual cells of our bodies that would normally be metabolized by the missing wavelengths remain in the equivalent of darkness." In other words, you can't extract the energy from food materials if you don't get the proper wavelengths to break them down chemically.
Matter of your body is defined by conventional Science by three forms: gases, liquid, and solids. These three forms are defined in terms of atoms -- the smallest particles of matter capable of an independent existence. In 1913 Niels Bohr theorized that the structure of the atom is likened to a tiny solar system-sun (nucleus) surrounded by orbiting planets (electrons). Around the atomic nucleus consisting of protons and neutrons orbit one or more electrons. This follows the Hermetic Axiom (as above so below).
Elements and Electrons
Elements are individual atoms that go by the common terms we know as oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, etc. When elements bond together, they form molecules. Molecules are two or more atoms electrically bonded together forming compounds and go by the familiar names we know as water, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, etc.
It is the electrons, which orbit at infinitesimal speeds that are responsible for chemical bonding or in more simple terms, chemical bonding is a result of electron sharing. The bonding of elements makes the molecules of matter, as we commonly know them to exist -- water, protein, fats, sugars, plastics, toxins, vitamins, etc. It was in 1910 that American physicist Robert Andrews Millikan proved the existence of electrons at the University of Chicago. In his words, "matter itself had finally been proven to be electrical in nature."
Electron sharing is responsible for element bonding; the movement of free electrons is called electricity. In this sense, it is an extremely small particle that has escaped matter and is traveling from point A to point B. The movement of electrons in a copper wire is defined as voltage. The movement of electrons within your body's cells is defined as metabolism. At every second, your body is in constant electrical movement. This fact has been relatively ignored in conventional Science and medicine, however Lynne Mctaggart's recent book 'The Field' describes and proves how we are all electric beings.
Every metabolic process, every enzyme reaction, the very thoughts of your brain, your muscular movements, the digestion of food, and the burning of fat is an electrical process. Contra distinctly, a slowdown in these electrical processes leads to decreased metabolism, reduced burning of fat, reduced vitality and immunity. This reduced electrical activity is the harbinger of today's epidemical diseases. It is this generally unrecognized fact that led to the development of photobiotics and a new system of living for the new century. Einstein discovered photons in his famous experiment called the photoelectric effect, which later won him the Nobel Prize. He observed that by shining a light onto a metal surface, electrons were ejected. Max Planck had already shown that when electrons swarming around the nucleus jump orbit, light was emitted. Einstein assumed that light must be transmitted by extremely small particles that were not electrons but could integrate with electrons and cause displacement. So, he called them "photons."
Light is a wave-motion in space and carries particles with it called photons. Photons are considered the finest particles in the universe, according to conventional science. For each electron, some theorize that there are on the order of some ten billion photons.
Matter is condensed light, and that energy is all there is. An atom appears to have mass that is the smallest particle capable of existence. Yet on a cosmic level, prolonged existence is only a speck of time. Mass is but an illusion based on reactive forces of condensed light, namely, gravity, temperature, pressure, inertia, etc.
The central fact regarding living organisms is that they are transformers of energy and they operate by radiant and electrical energy. It is the sun's photonic radiance that builds up the carbon molecules in plant tissues to form sugars and fats. The Sugar carbons from plant life oxidize within the protoplasm to generate photon and electron release and storage. In essence, the oxidation of Sugar and fats are catalyzed by light. These swarming photons charge up the intricate networks of the optical guide paths of the meridians and nervous system as well as the infinitely thin membrane of the network within the cells. Radiant energy generates electric currents in protoplasm. Electricity is the energy that governs activity of protoplasm, not matter. Life is in constant motion, has intelligence, and has the ability to store and release energy at will.
In a 1967 study presented by three Russian scientists to the international committee on illumination, they stated, "If the human skin is not exposed to solar radiation 'direct or scattered' for long periods of time, disturbances will occur in the physiological equilibrium of the human system. The result will be functional disorders of the nervous system, a Vitamin D deficiency, a weakening of the body's defenses, and aggravation of chronic disease." How simple can it be? Several studies point to conclusive evidence that sunlight produces a metabolic affect on the body that is very similar to physical training and exercise. After sunbathing, lactic acid, the by-product of muscle metabolism that causes soreness and stiffness after strenuous exercise, is significantly reduced. Sunbathing also increases the ability of the lungs to absorb more vital oxygen, as well as the blood's capacity to carry and deliver it. Oxygen deficiency has been readily linked to a host of illnesses and discomforts ranging from chronic fatigue to cancer.
Sunlight also has profound affects on the body's endocrine glands. Recent evidence shows that sunlight stimulates the thyroid gland to increase its hormone levels, translating into an increased rate of metabolism and weight loss for the overweight, which means more energy to burn up fats, sugars and toxins.
Malillumination syndrome occurs from prolonged, reduced exposures of light. When certain spectral color rays are missing in artificial lighting, or when sunlight is filtered through window glass, contact lenses, eyeglasses, windshields, and smog, malillumination or hunger for color creeps in. Ordinary daylight is a biological caldron of energies pulsing at inconceivable speeds. The rays of light provide a rainbow shower of colors that change with seasonal variations. Ordinary incandescent light bulbs produce light in dark and yellowish ray bands. Rooms lit with these old light forms paint a drab, dingy, and devitalized spectrum of energy on your skin, nerves, and eyes. Color hunger occurs when much of one's time is spent indoors, behind these rays or light, or behind the wheel of a car, in front of a television or computer monitor, living and working in extreme northern climates, or in geopathic zones, inimical to life.
Energized Life
All corporal energy comes from the sun. This energy is stored in your food as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. It is stored in your body as vitality, prana, qi and hormones. If you suffer from reduced vitality or illness, returning to natural daylight -- sunlight -- can literally save your life. Photobiotics is a spiritual exercise to help you regain your lost ability to photosynthesize directly the light energy of the sun. This translates into reducing your need for stimulants like coffee, dead flesh, and fast foods, and reducing your dependence on optical stimulation like television, violence, and other visions of human suffering. The utilization of direct light energy into your body from the sunlight provokes an amazing new spark of life and heightens your perceptions and contact with your soul.
Many believe sunlight carries intelligence factors or communicable knowledge. It was known to the ancients and practiced as various forms of "Sun worship." The sun priests would absorb sun intelligence in its natural state. The intake of solar energy through the eyes and nervous system has a revitalizing effect upon the organisms. The endocrine glands are affected via the pituitary, "the master gland," and thus the entire physical organism. Direct solar intake begins to transform you from a depleted, physical state to a more energized, spiritual state. In short, bringing in sunlight both through your body and your eyes gives you more energy.
Cells are bipolar. The work of the famous Dr. George W. Crile pointed out that a cell operates not unlike a battery, with the nucleus slightly acidic and the cytoplasm slightly alkaline. A cell must maintain this bipolarity to function. Neutralization of these charges results in cellular death. Enzymes do a large part of the work of the cell, such as assimilating nutrients and generating electrical charges through the mitochondria. These large molecules are light catalysts; they trigger reactions within the cell, not unlike miniature suns. They donate energy to reactions as in breaking down sugars and fats for electron energy, enzymes, or depositories of light-energy particles. As such, they bring molecules together and increase electro-chemical reactions in the body that generally would not occur without them. Free energy is released in the cell by the removal-oxidation of electrons from sugars and fats.
To the ancient sun priests, the whole secret of life is the absorption of light-energy, in its proper distribution in a balanced manner for vitalization of the organism.
Man is a photobiotic being, completely dependant on the absorption of solar energy in its various forms -- electromagnetic, etheric, and electrochemical. The health of the body is dependant upon our light body, which could be referred to as our aura, or higher self.
As certain teachers postulate, the atoms of conventional Science are comprised of energy particles of light -- light is color, vibratory wave bands of photons; color is light at various frequencies. When pure light intermingles and integrates with the atoms of matter, colors, hues, and intensities are created. When an atomic bomb splits the atom, tremendous quantities of light photons are released.
Gases, liquids, and solids, although appearing solid and inert, are transformed when integrated into life forms. Light particles are constantly intermingling, interacting, integrating, and radiating within the particles of matter, at rates the mind can scarcely fathom, and for only adepts to see. When white lights strike atomic mass, the electron or orbiting bands gyrate resonance factors, setting up harmonic oscillations. Each molecule can be seen as a tiny electromagnetic oscillator, electively absorbing and vibrating color bands. Color is thus a signature of the molecule's resonance factors. This allows astronomers to view the stars, and through the spectroscope, view the elemental composition of the stars. Each element has each its own color signature.
Quantum inert theory states that the energy of atoms and molecules is radiated in definite units or packets of photons called quanta. Atoms and molecules have their own characteristic frequencies. Electrons set in the vibration will radiate light quanta with a frequency equal to its own osculation. Quanta means energy is absorbed in pulsations, photons integrate while the electrons spin, causing them to jump orbit into an excited state.
The excited state instantly returns with a release of color wave photons as the electrons return to ground/stable state. Biological life is constantly pulsing in colors of quanta. This pulsation of color movement of light confers elasticity, fluidity, and metabolism. The body is constantly recording and releasing quanta of energy -- the pulse of life. The body must store considerable quantities of photons for work, at night, sleep, periods of stress, etc. When loss of quanta occurs, less energy translates into reduced enzyme activity, and a host of illnesses begin, including decreased immunity, increased allergies, edema, autointoxication, and weight gain. In medicine, a loss of color is described as an ashen countenance that is seen in malignancy just before death. As the oriental masters state, "No color, no life."
Your Immune System
Also in the bloodstream we have what is known as a phagocytic system that works in conjunction with the immune system. "Phagocytosis" is a term that refers to the cell's ability to "eat" a foreign substance or invader. Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell and are the most common of the phagocytes. When faced with a foreign material; a bacteria or a fungus, the neutrophil will eat the foreign matter and destroy it. Neutrophils are present and circulating in the blood. They are found in large numbers at the site of any infection or injury.
After an individual is exposed to sunlight or ultraviolet light, the neutrophils in the blood stream are stimulated to "eat" germs more rapidly, and in some research they were shown to almost double their ability to consume bacteria after this sunlight exposure. The Russians are doing most of the recent research dealing with sunlight therapy. The results of their research is so convincing that in most northern areas in Russia, there are mandatory laws that require the miners to have sunlight therapy or ultraviolet therapy if sunlight is not available.
Studies have shown that exposure to natural sunlight increases the number of the white blood cells in the body. Lymphocytes are the main white blood cells increased with sunlight, and it is the lymphocyte that plays the leading role in defending the body in an invasion by bacteria and foreign organisms. Because the lymphocytes increase in number after a sunlight exposure, their products of defense, the antibodies like gamma globulins, also increase in the blood. This increase of lymphocytes and gamma globulins greatly increase a person's ability to fight infections. The lymphocyte is also capable of producing a substance called interferon. This substance has the ability to stop the reproduction of viruses. The treatment of many virile diseases such as hepatitis, herpes simplex, herpes zoster, chicken pox, and the common cold may be improved by the use of interferon. Our bodies naturally produce this wonderful interferon, manufactured in the lymphocytes.
There seems to be conclusive evidence that sunlight produces a series of metabolic effects in the body that are similar to actual physical training. For bodybuilders and athletes, this is an important fact. For example, tuberculosis patients being treated by sunbathing have been observed to have well-developed muscles with little or no fat, even though they had not exercised for months. It appears that beneficial effects of sunlight exposure, which are apparently the same as those of an endurance exercise program, can be achieved by a series of exposures to sunlight.
A study done at Tulane University on the effect of sunlight on blood pressure showed that men who had normal blood pressure had a slight lowering of their blood pressure that lasted one or two days after the exposure. At the same time, a group of men in this test who had high blood pressure had a great reduction in their blood pressure that lasted five or six days. The heart's efficiency increases after an exposure to sunlight. Sunbathing has been shown in studies to increase the output of blood from the heart by an average of 29%. This output continued for a period of about five or six days after ultraviolet light exposure.
Russian scientists have also developed tests to check the ability of children's bodies to build immunity and resist infections. The scientists have found that exposure to sunlight, especially in the winter months, greatly increases the ability of the children's bodies to resist disease and illness.
Your Heart
Dramatic drops in serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels following sunlight treatments are not uncommon. Athletes and bodybuilders commonly use sunlight before performances or contests not only increase their stamina, endurance, and performance, but also to reduce body weight and fats in the tissues.
Sunlight's ability to increase the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood is another of the major ways in which it aids the body to cleanse the blood stream and tissues and to destroy bacteria. A growing amount of evidence is accumulating to show that the lack of oxygen may be a contributing factor in the initial injury to the lining of the artery that occurs in hardening of the arteries or atherosclerosis. A lack of oxygen in the blood stream appears to weaken the lining of the artery making it more susceptible to injury. A lack of oxygen also aggravates the injury and prevents it from healing properly and quickly.
It is interesting to note from other studies that whenever there is an increased amount of cholesterol in the blood, the cholesterol is finally incorporated into the wall of the red blood cell, thickening it. This thickening of the wall makes it impossible to move oxygen from the blood cell to the tissues, in other words, cholesterol actually makes the skin of the red blood cell "tough" and the oxygen cannot readily pass through it to the artery. Red blood cells are the main carriers of oxygen to the body tissues and if they cannot release this oxygen, the lining of the artery becomes more susceptible to injury.
It has been shown in tests that ultraviolet light in natural sunlight actually increases the oxygen in the blood and the oxygen carrying capabilities of the blood. It also increases the use of this available oxygen in the tissues that in turn can produce more available energy. The main explanation of how the sun increases the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood is that it has a tremendous ability to actually "destroy" cholesterol. As the cholesterol is changed in the skin to Vitamin D, transformed through sunlight to this so-called vitamin that is actually by definition a hormone in chemical structure, the cholesterol in the blood is transferred to the skin where it is transformed also. This decreases the cholesterol levels in the bloodstream while increasing natural Vitamin D storage in the body.
By singling out the use of particular colors, we can affect the behavior and growth patterns and various physical responses of an organism, be it plant, animal or human. For example, by using the color red solely for long periods of time we can cause very violent, aggressive or physically stimulating activity in a subject. In plants, this color causes fruition and seed production to be increased. By using the color blue (the other end of the electromagnetic spectrum), we can induce relaxation and sleep, and in plants, increase the germination processes.
Melatonin is produced when sunlight enters the optic pathway via the eyes and which in turn causes the pineal gland to be an actual cancer preventative. This in turn allows an increase in the production of estrogen, especially in females, which is responsible for an increase in breast cancer. Over 60% of Americans tested had calcified pineal glands when they were over 50 years of age. This is mainly because of a diet, high in cholesterol and other "dense" foods and also because of an accumulation of waste products in the body that were not eliminated properly.
Hopefully, the next time that you look at the sun, you will remember this dependence that we have on the rays of the solar orb. Anyone interested in total and vibrant physical, mental, and emotional well being, should add sunlight to his or her natural diet for a health that is as radiant and welcome as the sun.
Carotene in particular has been shown to prevent sunburn. It is even more effective for this purpose than is Vitamin E. Not only does carotene help prevent burning, but it also delays the appearance of skin cancer produced by ultraviolet light. Carotene decreases the growth rate of skin cancer.
Many people who complain about how easily they burn when they are out in the sunlight find that after a program which includes a natural diet, high in carotene and Vitamin E, that they are almost invariably surprised at the amount of time they can spend out in the direct sunlight without burning.
Where do you get carotene in your diet? Generally, from foods that are orange or bright yellow in color such as carrots, yellow and orange melons, yellow squash, apricots, corn, peaches, and pumpkins. Also especially high in carotene are green leafy vegetables and algae, such as spirulina and blue green algae. Another source of carotene that is commonly overlooked is bee pollen, which is extremely high in carotene among other elements, and is estimated to have 20 times the carotene of carrots.
Skin cancers other than those produced by ultraviolet light are actually inhibited to a great extent by the use of carotene. Also, sarcomas and other types of cancers are affected by the use of carotene in the diet.
The fact that abnormally low levels of Vitamin A and carotene were found in over 50% of patients that had cancer also gives evidence that increased amounts of carotene and Vitamin A in the diet can protect against cancer formation.
A very interesting substance found in almost all cells including lymphocytes is called Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate. In medical circles, this long term is shortened appropriately to Cyclic AMP or CAMP for short. If high levels of CAMP build up in the lymphocytes, they will be unable to function properly and will not be able to fight cancer cells. CAMP may also suppress other features in the body's immune system. This substance is increased in the body under stress and also when such foods as coffee, tea, and chocolate are used in the diet, among other things. These substances block the natural elimination of CAMP that would normally take place. Therefore, it is wise to eliminate these foods from the diet when allowing sunlight to be increased in the daily routine to avoid the possibility of cancer.
In actuality, sunlight in many cases inhibits cancer, rather than causing it. The total cancer deaths of the various American states and Canadian provinces are shown to fall with an increase of available sunlight and as people living in these areas have more sunlight exposure to the skin.
Sunlight and Sterilization
The modern era of sun therapy began with the knowledge that pathogenic bacteria could be destroyed with the use of sunlight. Dr. Neils Flasen successfully used sunlight in the treatment of tuberculosis of the skin, thereby winning the Nobel Prize in 1903. The portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that has the most effective antibacterial effect is the ultraviolet. In fact, almost every form of bacteria that is detrimental to our health is destroyed by sunlight and ultraviolet light. Anthrax, the plague or coccobacillus, streptococcus, tuberculosis, cholera, staphylococcus, the colon bacillus, and dysentery are all destroyed in varying lengths of time with the use of sunlight.
From the turn of the century until the 1930s, there was a progressive development in the use of ultraviolet light and sunbathing as the most effective treatment for a number of infectious diseases. In 1938, penicillin was discovered, and the era of Antibiotics and other antimicrobial therapy began. To a large extent, the development of Antibiotics caused the death of sun therapy. Fortunately, many investigators have kept information flowing on the beneficial effects of sun therapy and though it has been little used, there is much accumulated data on the beneficial effects of sunlight on the human organism. Despite the overwhelming use of Antibiotics and drugs to eliminate infections and bacteria, sunlight has maintained credibility as a therapeutic measure of no small significance.
Almost all fungal infections and fungi are destroyed by the use of sunlight and ultraviolet light. The problem with the exclusive use of drugs and antibiotics to destroy infections and microbial organisms is that the ability of these organisms to develop new and resistant strains is causing alarm in the scientific and medical communities. Dr. Stanley Falkow, Professor of Microbiology and Genetics at the University of Washington, School of Medicine states, "All the available current data strongly suggests that perhaps in the next decade we are going to see serious Antibiotic resistance among all groups of medically important pathogens."
Biorhythmic science has developed consecutively with the sciences of biorhythm and astrophysics, but is based almost totally on sun activity without inclusion of any other data. This serves as a stimulus to investigate the rhythmic potentials of understanding the influences of sunlight and solar cycles on the life of the cells of our bodies, and therefore, our photo biophysical nature as creatures dependent on the light we assimilate from the sun as well as the food that we eat and the air that we breathe.
In the evening and at dawn, the UV rating is generally safe. Normally the UV rating will be 5 or less during these times of day. At the bottom of the page is a link to a global weather site that updates hourly. If the UV rating is 5 or less then anyone but those alergic to sunlight would be safe.
The Science of SunGazing
The Electromagnetics of Health
Sunlight is composed of many different levels of energy. This energy is transmitted in the form of electromagnetic waves. These electromagnetic waves vary in length from .00001 of a nanometer (for cosmic rays, as they are called by science, and a nanometer is 1/1,000,000,000 of a meter) to about 5,000 kilometers, or 3,100 miles for electric waves. This is an incredibly wide range of energy radiations for one singular source to produce.
Not all of these energy rays from the sun reach the earth's surface and our bodies. The atmosphere that surrounds the earth protects it from absorbing all but a small and safe portion of these numerous wavelengths emitted by the sun. Of the waves that do reach the earth's surface, the human eye can only see a very small portion. It has been estimated that the human eye can see only a fraction of 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum that does reach beyond the layers of atmospheric protection so well provided for our safety. Ultraviolet and infrared radiation that does penetrate and come into our atmosphere is invisible to the human eye. It is the ultraviolet portion of sunlight that has been scientifically proven to be the most biologically active, and unfortunately, it has also been ultraviolet light that is eliminated and filtered out by common window glass and the supposedly solar transmitting glazes that are commonly used in our buildings today. Even sunglasses and clothing prevent the proper amount of sunlight and ultraviolet light from reaching our bodies and bringing vibrant and healthful properties to full peak.
The amount of ultraviolet light that is available from the sun depends upon the season and the location where you are on earth. The more atmospheres that the ultraviolet light has to pass through, the less there will be to reach the earth. In the winter, when the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun the sunlight must pass through more atmosphere, therefore less ultraviolet light is available for our bodies, not to mention for plants and other living things that depend upon sunlight for proper development and growth.
Sunlight emits all forms of electromagnetic rays, including cosmic rays, gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet rays, and near-ultraviolet rays in the visible range that our eyes see as color, and short wave, ultraviolet, infrared, radio waves, electric waves, and the incredibly long waves which reach us as heat and warmth. Unfortunately the current medical concept of sunlight incorrectly preaches to us of a "harmful and dangerous" sun, one that is responsible for aging, and capable of causing skin cancer. Fortunately though, this concept is responsible for the great amount of research done on the effects of sunlight on humans, animals and plants. This research provides an abundance of technical materials on the true effects of sunlight and its relation to human health and longevity. Undeniably, the sun plays a role in the development of skin cancer but is not the main factor in such problems.
Past Wisdom, Present Sense
Viruses are developing beyond the chemical protection of current medicine at an alarming rate, it may be wise to re-visit the antiseptic prevention therapy known as sunlight.
Hippocrates and Pythagoras wrote extensively on the use of sunlight in the processes of healing. Another famous Greek who wrote much on the use of sun therapy was Antyllus, a physician who wrote of the Greek "sunbaths" -- "Persons expose themselves to the sun, some cover themselves with oil and others do not, some lie down and some are seated, while others stand or play. Sunlight exposure prevents an increase in body weight and strengthens the muscles. It makes fat disappear. It reduces as well, hydropic swelling."
Herodotus was called the father of Heliotherapy as the result of his frequent reference to the healing properties of the sun and his use of this in his medical practice. One of his statements is, "Exposure to the sun is highly necessary for persons whose health is in need of restoring. In every season, the patient should permit the rays of the sun to strike full upon him. But, in the summer, this method should be lessened because of the heat."
The Greeks practiced "aerination" or the exposure of the nude body to sunlight, specifically in the sand. The places where they practiced this were called "aerinaries" and this was usually by the seaside. The practice itself was called Heliosis.
Humans are heliotropes -- we are electronically plugged into the sun's rays and when this connection is severed, disorder is soon to follow. Particular minerals and enzymes in the body's cells that could normally be activated will not receive the proper wavelengths and will remain in the dark. They do not catalyze normal, cellular metabolic reactions. This translates into less energy exchange, glandular insufficiencies, and reduced ability to burn fats and toxins.
The body is an electrical bio-system, collecting energy from the atmosphere. We feel more energetic on bright days and less so on dull days. The nerve ganglia all over the body may be reasonably likened to electric wires for conducting photons of light energy collected by the skin and eyes and distributed to the internal organs and cells. Skin health and vitality is essential for proper absorption of light. Without a balanced spectrum of light in our daily diet, we suffer from what Dr. John Ott aptly calls "malillumination syndrome." A quote from Dr. John Ott states, "My studies indicate that light is a nutrient, similar to all other nutrients we take in, we need the full spectrum range of natural daylight. Malillumination occurs when wavelengths are missing in various types of artificial light or are filtered from natural light passing through window glass, windshields, sunglasses, smog, and even suntan lotion. Those particular minerals in chemicals in the individual cells of our bodies that would normally be metabolized by the missing wavelengths remain in the equivalent of darkness." In other words, you can't extract the energy from food materials if you don't get the proper wavelengths to break them down chemically.
Matter of your body is defined by conventional science by three forms: gases, liquid, and solids. These three forms are defined in terms of atoms -- the smallest particles of matter capable of an independent existence. In 1913 Niels Bohr theorized that the structure of the atom is likened to a tiny solar system-sun (nucleus) surrounded by orbiting planets (electrons). Around the atomic nucleus consisting of protons and neutrons orbit one or more electrons. This follows the Hermetic Axiom (as above so below).
Elements and Electrons
Elements are individual atoms that go by the common terms we know as oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, etc. When elements bond together, they form molecules. Molecules are two or more atoms electrically bonded together forming compounds and go by the familiar names we know as water, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, etc.
It is the electrons, which orbit at infinitesimal speeds that are responsible for chemical bonding or in more simple terms, chemical bonding is a result of electron sharing. The bonding of elements makes the molecules of matter, as we commonly know them to exist -- water, protein, fats, sugars, plastics, toxins, vitamins, etc. It was in 1910 that American physicist Robert Andrews Millikan proved the existence of electrons at the University of Chicago. In his words, "matter itself had finally been proven to be electrical in nature."
Electron sharing is responsible for element bonding; the movement of free electrons is called electricity. In this sense, it is an extremely small particle that has escaped matter and is traveling from point A to point B. The movement of electrons in a copper wire is defined as voltage. The movement of electrons within your body's cells is defined as metabolism. At every second, your body is in constant electrical movement. This fact has been relatively ignored in conventional science and medicine, however Lynne Mctaggart's recent book 'The Field' describes and proves how we are all electric beings.
Every metabolic process, every enzyme reaction, the very thoughts of your brain, your muscular movements, the digestion of food, and the burning of fat is an electrical process. Contra distinctly, a slowdown in these electrical processes leads to decreased metabolism, reduced burning of fat, reduced vitality and immunity. This reduced electrical activity is the harbinger of today's epidemical diseases. It is this generally unrecognized fact that led to the development of photobiotics and a new system of living for the new century. Einstein discovered photons in his famous experiment called the photoelectric effect, which later won him the Nobel Prize. He observed that by shining a light onto a metal surface, electrons were ejected. Max Planck had already shown that when electrons swarming around the nucleus jump orbit, light was emitted. Einstein assumed that light must be transmitted by extremely small particles that were not electrons but could integrate with electrons and cause displacement. So, he called them "photons."
Light is a wave-motion in space and carries particles with it called photons. Photons are considered the finest particles in the universe, according to conventional science. For each electron, some theorize that there are on the order of some ten billion photons.
Matter is condensed light, and that energy is all there is. An atom appears to have mass that is the smallest particle capable of existence. Yet on a cosmic level, prolonged existence is only a speck of time. Mass is but an illusion based on reactive forces of condensed light, namely, gravity, temperature, pressure, inertia, etc.
The central fact regarding living organisms is that they are transformers of energy and they operate by radiant and electrical energy. It is the sun's photonic radiance that builds up the carbon molecules in plant tissues to form sugars and fats. The Sugar carbons from plant life oxidize within the protoplasm to generate photon and electron release and storage. In essence, the oxidation of sugar and fats are catalyzed by light. These swarming photons charge up the intricate networks of the optical guide paths of the meridians and nervous system as well as the infinitely thin membrane of the network within the cells. Radiant energy generates electric currents in protoplasm. Electricity is the energy that governs activity of protoplasm, not matter. Life is in constant motion, has intelligence, and has the ability to store and release energy at will.
In a 1967 study presented by three Russian scientists to the international committee on illumination, they stated, "If the human skin is not exposed to solar radiation 'direct or scattered' for long periods of time, disturbances will occur in the physiological equilibrium of the human system. The result will be functional disorders of the nervous system, a Vitamin D deficiency, a weakening of the body's defenses, and aggravation of chronic disease." How simple can it be? Several studies point to conclusive evidence that sunlight produces a metabolic affect on the body that is very similar to physical training and exercise. After sunbathing, lactic acid, the by-product of muscle metabolism that causes soreness and stiffness after strenuous exercise, is significantly reduced. Sunbathing also increases the ability of the lungs to absorb more vital oxygen, as well as the blood's capacity to carry and deliver it. Oxygen deficiency has been readily linked to a host of illnesses and discomforts ranging from chronic fatigue to cancer.
Sunlight also has profound affects on the body's endocrine glands. Recent evidence shows that sunlight stimulates the thyroid gland to increase its hormone levels, translating into an increased rate of metabolism and weight loss for the overweight, which means more energy to burn up fats, sugars and toxins.
Malillumination syndrome occurs from prolonged, reduced exposures of light. When certain spectral color rays are missing in artificial lighting, or when sunlight is filtered through window glass, contact lenses, eyeglasses, windshields, and smog, malillumination or hunger for color creeps in. Ordinary daylight is a biological caldron of energies pulsing at inconceivable speeds. The rays of light provide a rainbow shower of colors that change with seasonal variations. Ordinary incandescent light bulbs produce light in dark and yellowish ray bands. Rooms lit with these old light forms paint a drab, dingy, and devitalized spectrum of energy on your skin, nerves, and eyes. Color hunger occurs when much of one's time is spent indoors, behind these rays or light, or behind the wheel of a car, in front of a television or computer monitor, living and working in extreme northern climates, or in geopathic zones, inimical to life.
Energized Life
All corporal energy comes from the sun. This energy is stored in your food as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. It is stored in your body as vitality, prana, qi and hormones. If you suffer from reduced vitality or illness, returning to natural daylight -- sunlight -- can literally save your life. Photobiotics is a spiritual exercise to help you regain your lost ability to photosynthesize directly the light energy of the sun. This translates into reducing your need for stimulants like coffee, dead flesh, and fast foods, and reducing your dependence on optical stimulation like television, violence, and other visions of human suffering. The utilization of direct light energy into your body from the sunlight provokes an amazing new spark of life and heightens your perceptions and contact with your soul.
Many believe sunlight carries intelligence factors or communicable knowledge. It was known to the ancients and practiced as various forms of "Sun worship." The sun priests would absorb sun intelligence in its natural state. The intake of solar energy through the eyes and nervous system has a revitalizing effect upon the organisms. The endocrine glands are affected via the pituitary, "the master gland," and thus the entire physical organism. Direct solar intake begins to transform you from a depleted, physical state to a more energized, spiritual state. In short, bringing in sunlight both through your body and your eyes gives you more energy.
Cells are bipolar. The work of the famous Dr. George W. Crile pointed out that a cell operates not unlike a battery, with the nucleus slightly acidic and the cytoplasm slightly alkaline. A cell must maintain this bipolarity to function. Neutralization of these charges results in cellular death. Enzymes do a large part of the work of the cell, such as assimilating nutrients and generating electrical charges through the mitochondria. These large molecules are light catalysts; they trigger reactions within the cell, not unlike miniature suns. They donate energy to reactions as in breaking down sugars and fats for electron energy, enzymes, or depositories of light-energy particles. As such, they bring molecules together and increase electro-chemical reactions in the body that generally would not occur without them. Free energy is released in the cell by the removal-oxidation of electrons from sugars and fats.
To the ancient sun priests, the whole secret of life is the absorption of light-energy, in its proper distribution in a balanced manner for vitalization of the organism.
Man is a photobiotic being, completely dependant on the absorption of solar energy in its various forms -- electromagnetic, etheric, and electrochemical. The health of the body is dependant upon our light body, which could be referred to as our aura, or higher self.
As certain teachers postulate, the atoms of conventional science are comprised of energy particles of light -- light is color, vibratory wave bands of photons; color is light at various frequencies. When pure light intermingles and integrates with the atoms of matter, colors, hues, and intensities are created. When an atomic bomb splits the atom, tremendous quantities of light photons are released.
Gases, liquids, and solids, although appearing solid and inert, are transformed when integrated into life forms. Light particles are constantly intermingling, interacting, integrating, and radiating within the particles of matter, at rates the mind can scarcely fathom, and for only adepts to see. When white lights strike atomic mass, the electron or orbiting bands gyrate resonance factors, setting up harmonic oscillations. Each molecule can be seen as a tiny electromagnetic oscillator, electively absorbing and vibrating color bands. Color is thus a signature of the molecule's resonance factors. This allows astronomers to view the stars, and through the spectroscope, view the elemental composition of the stars. Each element has each its own color signature.
Quantum inert theory states that the energy of atoms and molecules is radiated in definite units or packets of photons called quanta. Atoms and molecules have their own characteristic frequencies. Electrons set in the vibration will radiate light quanta with a frequency equal to its own osculation. Quanta means energy is absorbed in pulsations, photons integrate while the electrons spin, causing them to jump orbit into an excited state.
The excited state instantly returns with a release of color wave photons as the electrons return to ground/stable state. Biological life is constantly pulsing in colors of quanta. This pulsation of color movement of light confers elasticity, fluidity, and metabolism. The body is constantly recording and releasing quanta of energy -- the pulse of life. The body must store considerable quantities of photons for work, at night, sleep, periods of stress, etc. When loss of quanta occurs, less energy translates into reduced enzyme activity, and a host of illnesses begin, including decreased immunity, increased allergies, edema, autointoxication, and weight gain. In medicine, a loss of color is described as an ashen countenance that is seen in malignancy just before death. As the oriental masters state, "No color, no life."
Your Immune System
Also in the bloodstream we have what is known as a phagocytic system that works in conjunction with the immune system. "Phagocytosis" is a term that refers to the cell's ability to "eat" a foreign substance or invader. Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell and are the most common of the phagocytes. When faced with a foreign material; a bacteria or a fungus, the neutrophil will eat the foreign matter and destroy it. Neutrophils are present and circulating in the blood. They are found in large numbers at the site of any infection or injury.
After an individual is exposed to sunlight or ultraviolet light, the neutrophils in the blood stream are stimulated to "eat" germs more rapidly, and in some research they were shown to almost double their ability to consume bacteria after this sunlight exposure. The Russians are doing most of the recent research dealing with sunlight therapy. The results of their research is so convincing that in most northern areas in Russia, there are mandatory laws that require the miners to have sunlight therapy or ultraviolet therapy if sunlight is not available.
Studies have shown that exposure to natural sunlight increases the number of the white blood cells in the body. Lymphocytes are the main white blood cells increased with sunlight, and it is the lymphocyte that plays the leading role in defending the body in an invasion by bacteria and foreign organisms. Because the lymphocytes increase in number after a sunlight exposure, their products of defense, the antibodies like gamma globulins, also increase in the blood. This increase of lymphocytes and gamma globulins greatly increase a person's ability to fight infections. The lymphocyte is also capable of producing a substance called interferon. This substance has the ability to stop the reproduction of viruses. The treatment of many virile diseases such as hepatitis, herpes simplex, herpes zoster, chicken pox, and the common cold may be improved by the use of interferon. Our bodies naturally produce this wonderful interferon, manufactured in the lymphocytes.
There seems to be conclusive evidence that sunlight produces a series of metabolic effects in the body that are similar to actual physical training. For bodybuilders and athletes, this is an important fact. For example, tuberculosis patients being treated by sunbathing have been observed to have well-developed muscles with little or no fat, even though they had not exercised for months. It appears that beneficial effects of sunlight exposure, which are apparently the same as those of an endurance exercise program, can be achieved by a series of exposures to sunlight.
A study done at Tulane University on the effect of sunlight on blood pressure showed that men who had normal blood pressure had a slight lowering of their blood pressure that lasted one or two days after the exposure. At the same time, a group of men in this test who had high blood pressure had a great reduction in their blood pressure that lasted five or six days. The heart's efficiency increases after an exposure to sunlight. Sunbathing has been shown in studies to increase the output of blood from the heart by an average of 29%. This output continued for a period of about five or six days after ultraviolet light exposure.
Russian scientists have also developed tests to check the ability of children's bodies to build immunity and resist infections. The scientists have found that exposure to sunlight, especially in the winter months, greatly increases the ability of the children's bodies to resist disease and illness.
Your Heart
Dramatic drops in serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels following sunlight treatments are not uncommon. Athletes and bodybuilders commonly use sunlight before performances or contests not only increase their stamina, endurance, and performance, but also to reduce body weight and fats in the tissues.
Sunlight's ability to increase the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood is another of the major ways in which it aids the body to cleanse the blood stream and tissues and to destroy bacteria. A growing amount of evidence is accumulating to show that the lack of oxygen may be a contributing factor in the initial injury to the lining of the artery that occurs in hardening of the arteries or atherosclerosis. A lack of oxygen in the blood stream appears to weaken the lining of the artery making it more susceptible to injury. A lack of oxygen also aggravates the injury and prevents it from healing properly and quickly.
It is interesting to note from other studies that whenever there is an increased amount of cholesterol in the blood, the cholesterol is finally incorporated into the wall of the red blood cell, thickening it. This thickening of the wall makes it impossible to move oxygen from the blood cell to the tissues, in other words, cholesterol actually makes the skin of the red blood cell "tough" and the oxygen cannot readily pass through it to the artery. Red blood cells are the main carriers of oxygen to the body tissues and if they cannot release this oxygen, the lining of the artery becomes more susceptible to injury.
It has been shown in tests that ultraviolet light in natural sunlight actually increases the oxygen in the blood and the oxygen carrying capabilities of the blood. It also increases the use of this available oxygen in the tissues that in turn can produce more available energy. The main explanation of how the sun increases the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood is that it has a tremendous ability to actually "destroy" cholesterol. As the cholesterol is changed in the skin to Vitamin D, transformed through sunlight to this so-called vitamin that is actually by definition a hormone in chemical structure, the cholesterol in the blood is transferred to the skin where it is transformed also. This decreases the cholesterol levels in the bloodstream while increasing natural Vitamin D storage in the body.
By singling out the use of particular colors, we can affect the behavior and growth patterns and various physical responses of an organism, be it plant, animal or human. For example, by using the color red solely for long periods of time we can cause very violent, aggressive or physically stimulating activity in a subject. In plants, this color causes fruition and seed production to be increased. By using the color blue (the other end of the electromagnetic spectrum), we can induce relaxation and sleep, and in plants, increase the germination processes.
Melatonin is produced when sunlight enters the optic pathway via the eyes and which in turn causes the pineal gland to be an actual cancer preventative. This in turn allows an increase in the production of estrogen, especially in females, which is responsible for an increase in breast cancer. Over 60% of Americans tested had calcified pineal glands when they were over 50 years of age. This is mainly because of a diet, high in cholesterol and other "dense" foods and also because of an accumulation of waste products in the body that were not eliminated properly.
Hopefully, the next time that you look at the sun, you will remember this dependence that we have on the rays of the solar orb. Anyone interested in total and vibrant physical, mental, and emotional well being, should add sunlight to his or her natural diet for a health that is as radiant and welcome as the sun.
Carotene in particular has been shown to prevent sunburn. It is even more effective for this purpose than is Vitamin E. Not only does carotene help prevent burning, but it also delays the appearance of skin cancer produced by ultraviolet light. Carotene decreases the growth rate of skin cancer.
Many people who complain about how easily they burn when they are out in the sunlight find that after a program which includes a natural diet, high in carotene and Vitamin E, that they are almost invariably surprised at the amount of time they can spend out in the direct sunlight without burning.
Where do you get carotene in your diet? Generally, from foods that are orange or bright yellow in color such as carrots, yellow and orange melons, yellow squash, apricots, corn, peaches, and pumpkins. Also especially high in carotene are green leafy vegetables and algae, such as spirulina and blue green algae. Another source of carotene that is commonly overlooked is bee pollen, which is extremely high in carotene among other elements, and is estimated to have 20 times the carotene of carrots.
Skin cancers other than those produced by ultraviolet light are actually inhibited to a great extent by the use of carotene. Also, sarcomas and other types of cancers are affected by the use of carotene in the diet.
The fact that abnormally low levels of Vitamin A and carotene were found in over 50% of patients that had cancer also gives evidence that increased amounts of carotene and Vitamin A in the diet can protect against cancer formation.
A very interesting substance found in almost all cells including lymphocytes is called Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate. In medical circles, this long term is shortened appropriately to Cyclic AMP or CAMP for short. If high levels of CAMP build up in the lymphocytes, they will be unable to function properly and will not be able to fight cancer cells. CAMP may also suppress other features in the body's immune system. This substance is increased in the body under stress and also when such foods as coffee, tea, and chocolate are used in the diet, among other things. These substances block the natural elimination of CAMP that would normally take place. Therefore, it is wise to eliminate these foods from the diet when allowing sunlight to be increased in the daily routine to avoid the possibility of cancer.
In actuality, sunlight in many cases inhibits cancer, rather than causing it. The total cancer deaths of the various American states and Canadian provinces are shown to fall with an increase of available sunlight and as people living in these areas have more sunlight exposure to the skin.
Sunlight and Sterilization
The modern era of sun therapy began with the knowledge that pathogenic bacteria could be destroyed with the use of sunlight. Dr. Neils Flasen successfully used sunlight in the treatment of tuberculosis of the skin, thereby winning the Nobel Prize in 1903. The portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that has the most effective antibacterial effect is the ultraviolet. In fact, almost every form of bacteria that is detrimental to our health is destroyed by sunlight and ultraviolet light. Anthrax, the plague or coccobacillus, streptococcus, tuberculosis, cholera, staphylococcus, the colon bacillus, and dysentery are all destroyed in varying lengths of time with the use of sunlight.
From the turn of the century until the 1930s, there was a progressive development in the use of ultraviolet light and sunbathing as the most effective treatment for a number of infectious diseases. In 1938, penicillin was discovered, and the era of antibiotics and other antimicrobial therapy began. To a large extent, the development of antibiotics caused the death of sun therapy. Fortunately, many investigators have kept information flowing on the beneficial effects of sun therapy and though it has been little used, there is much accumulated data on the beneficial effects of sunlight on the human organism. Despite the overwhelming use of antibiotics and drugs to eliminate infections and bacteria, sunlight has maintained credibility as a therapeutic measure of no small significance.
Almost all fungal infections and fungi are destroyed by the use of sunlight and ultraviolet light. The problem with the exclusive use of drugs and antibiotics to destroy infections and microbial organisms is that the ability of these organisms to develop new and resistant strains is causing alarm in the scientific and medical communities. Dr. Stanley Falkow, Professor of Microbiology and Genetics at the University of Washington, School of Medicine states, "All the available current data strongly suggests that perhaps in the next decade we are going to see serious Antibiotic resistance among all groups of medically important pathogens."
Biorhythmic science has developed consecutively with the sciences of biorhythm and astrophysics, but is based almost totally on sun activity without inclusion of any other data. This serves as a stimulus to investigate the rhythmic potentials of understanding the influences of sunlight and solar cycles on the life of the cells of our bodies, and therefore, our photo biophysical nature as creatures dependent on the light we assimilate from the sun as well as the food that we eat and the air that we breathe.
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