Re: Ionic silver with vitamin C? by Esstee ..... Colloidal Silver Forum
Date: 9/6/2014 5:34:49 AM ( 11 y ago)
Hits: 6,024
While I know alot of people use TDS meters in their CS processes. I think it's worth mentioning that TDS Meters are not designed to measure silver content in solution but more accurately that of total dissolved solids such as; salts and other minerals. Whereas Colloidal Silver , be it ionic or metallic is a suspended particulate(not a dissolved solid). And so whatever readings people get from from TDS meters, it isn't the total silver content but more along the lines of bi-products and other contaminants that have entered the solution during processing.
ie, I've maxed out Ionic/Silver solutions(naked) at or around 20ppm only to find very low readings(2-3ppm +/-.5) from a lab grade TDS Meter. However... when I measured my electrodes, I found a differentiation of aprox. 42mg(see: 40ppm p/2L = 20ppm av). Which likely works out closer to 18ppm as there are always losses due to exchange, oxidation and plating.
And so based on this, I'd say TDS meters aren't very accurate in cases such as these. Not only because they're not designed to detect silver ions or particles but also where they're not usually sensitive enough to measure the very fine levels that Colloidal Silver solutions have.
That being said, some PWT meters and calibration fluids could work in controlled settings. However, since the same could be achieved with a simple multimeter without the need for calibration fluid, for so much less money, it's unlikely that would be very beneficial for all but the most die hard of Colloidal Silver makers.
But what about the TDS reading changes?
Well the most likely answer is that the TDS meter was measuring by-products in solution and that the Vitamin-C residue(powder) either reduced or agglomerated whatever ions present in the solution. At which point the TDS meter read less impurities. And so I suppose this would work out to be something along the lines of; less impurities but larger particles.
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