Re: Which Iodine to get rid of Dandruff ? by username7414 ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum
Date: 8/28/2014 3:02:17 PM ( 11 y ago)
Hits: 3,943
Helps a ton! Thank you so much. I picked some up at the hippy health food store... they only had the 2% though. And I got some selenim and other stuff... They were all at the doctor's this morning for physicals for school. Even though theyre homeschooled, the state still requires certain stuff. and he said that if the acv and Iodine help, then go for it and I don't know how he calculated, but he said about 6mg internally... which is pretty much what was just recommended, so thats cool. His wife took it when she was breastfeeding, which I found interesting. He thinks its more of a hard water issue than fungal because shes kind of dry all over and it appears like more environmental factors... but she can have a scrape done and cultured. When I mentioned candida overgrowth, he said unlikely but if it helps, it helps.... and that he sees a lot of kids much younger with it in their throats and their teeth are usually rotten... its a combo of bad diet and steroids for asthma.
He's a very cool doctor... The youngest has a wart on her toe that I just discovered last week and 4 acv soaks actually got most of it off.. he said to file it down and use Iodine on that too if I didn't want them to zap it with the chem peel...the acv/iodine might take longer, but will be less traumatic to surrounding skin and less scarring.
They really don't eat a lot of Sugar or drink soda... I'm obsessed with perfect teeth so I was getting that flavored water... but I guess that isnt much better.
The carb overload is in the form of those designer cupcakes with the 6" mound of frosting, hotpockets and juice boxes all weekend long. I do sort of suspect some kind of food sensitivities , but the Monday belly aches could be weekend Sugar overload. You'd think coaches would push nutrition over winning titles.
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