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Re: Help! Eczema/allergies/asthma by grizz ..... Eczema Forum

Date:   8/28/2014 1:37:16 PM ( 11 y ago)
Hits:   4,812

You came to the right place for help. All of your problems are related. You have all the classic symptoms of Systemic Candida.

Carefully read all of the Candida Symptoms here:

I was in a similar bad place and doctors LIED to me for 30 years before I found the final solutions. Doctors are trained to sell drugs to treat symptoms, they make zero attempts to actually cure symptoms. Cures are bad for business!

1) A change of diet is ESSENTIAL. No more sugary drinks, soda pop, candy, cookies, cakes, Sugar loaded packaged foods, beer, fruit juices (Fruits are OK). I recommend a strict Paleo Diet as modified by Dr. McComb:
See the Dr. McCombs diet:

2) See this Dr. McCombs report:
Drugs for asthma, & steroids used in asthma inhalers add up to SERIOUS lung problems including Candida Overgrowth that promotes asthma & other lung disease. Dr. McCombs explains:
Inhalers make asthma worse long term.

Next see what cured my own asthma after 30 years of suffering.

Boosting the immune system with Iodine & co-supplements with vitamin D3 has been shown to cure Candida & Asthma. Details here:

See our testimonials here for asthma, skin issues & candida:

See Vitamin D3 deficiency illnesses:

Now study the Iodine Deficiency Illnesses at our testimonials:

Bottom line: Restore your immune system & optimal health with a healthy diet, restore your body's D3 Levels & your body's Iodine levels,

More on iodine:

More on D3:

Hope this helps,

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