RED ICE RADIO Questioning the Artificial Constructs
David Icke - Origins of Israel & New Mono World Order July 25, 2014
Later, he’ll speak on the inner core of Zionism that functions like a secret society. We also talk about how young Jews are being programmed from birth and being used for a bigger strategy. At the end we discuss how people are frightened into silence, sticking their heads in the sand but this will not make the problems go away. Diversity of everything, including power is needed.Alternate Link Below or Click on the Player Image Below:
Considered one of the classics of conspiracy research, David Icke has spent the last quarter of a century unraveling the secrets of the universe, reality and the forces that manipulate our world. After writing more than 20 books, David Icke has driven on with his unrelentless investigation into subject areas that others don't dare touch.
Icke shares his analysis of US occupation in the Middle East. He’ll also talk about ISIS, with an alleged extremist Islamic agenda, yet silence from Israel. We’ll talk about the genocide of Palestinians and the redrawing of the Middle East with Israel as the new dictator. David discusses the origins of Israel, which is based on a hoax. He’ll discuss events leading up to the creation of the State of Israel. Then, we’ll talk about where the elite want to take the world and the techniques they’re using to get there. Their techniques include the destruction of nationhood and forced multiculturalism. Icke comments on Europeans who are re-acting to preserve their nationhood, challenging the European unlon and fighting back. We’ll talk about how the elite are working hard to establish a one world culture, a mono everything, through killing true diversity.
David Icke - Origins of Israel & New Mono World Order July 25, 2014 TRANSCRIPTION OF THE RED ICE DAVID ICKE INTERVIEW
Henrik:Something that has happened consequently, both in Iraq & some of the other Middle Eastern countries, when we’ve seen this massive Zionist occupation of these countries. And now something like ISIS have bloomed up in Iraq & the whole scenario going completely out of hand. And from my point of view, at least David, this is exactly what the globalists & the elite do best. Is to create complete mayhem, complete havoc, in as many regions as possible. Then this of course is not only causing issues in the Middle East. This is causing issues in the West with mass immigration into the West & everything else. I think they’re really ramping-up to create a major cultural war, as opposed to a hot third world war. What’s your analysis of this situation David.
David Icke: Well, its certainly the case that the U.S. has never left Iraq. To a large extent they’ve replaced the in-your-face, they’re still there, troops with private armies with private armies & security operations that are just answerable to the Pentagon in the very same way that the troops are. Its just that one’s in the private sector. So they say its not Pentagon connected, which it absolutely is – they’re all aspects of Pentagon control.
War – third world war – it depends on how you define war. I mean third world war is merely a war that effects the world. So this can be a few year & finished, as with the first & second world wars. Or, it can be the Orwellian on-going war, which is far more likely, to be frank.. But what you have is a classic, what I term ‘Problem – Reaction – Solution’, and what 33rd degree of Freemasonry calls “Order out of Chaos”. If you look at the world, Henrik, over the period that I’ve been alive, 62 years, its been a process of creating chaos on a scale, that we’re looking at now, and then creating the Order out of the Chaos. And the Order is the re-Ordering of the world before there was the Chaos. And this has been an on-going process. And, every time its been re-Ordered, then the world has been more in the image of what the Global Cabal want the world to be. And so, we’ve seen now, a sequence of events in the Middle East where all the order has been destroyed.
You had a stable situation with Saddam Hussein. It wasn’t a nice situation, and of course, he was a bloody ogre, but it was stable. And its instability that they require so they can re-Order it. So, they go into there, justified by the War on Terrorism, which was justified by the fake Islamic attack on 911. And Chaos ensues in Iraq, and that chaos is still there, probably more so now than ever, before. They’ve gone into Afghanistan, they’ve created Chaos there. And then they go into Libya. Now, people say what they like about Colonel Gaddafi, there was stability – same thing there as with Saddam. He was holding what would have been warring factions, because we’re humans, mate, we can’t get on with each other, can we, if we have different bloody beliefs.
And so, he was holding that together. And in Libya was the highest standard of living in Africa. Then in they go with a classic cabal technique of arming & funding & training so-called rebels. They start shooting & attacking government targets. And at point the media & politicians say nothing. And as soon as Gaddafi returns fire, if you like, then suddenly they can’t find a microphone quick enough, because “he’s killing his own people, we must protect the people.” And of course, they protected the people by pepper bombing them from the sky. And so what’s been created in Libya to this day is absolute chaos. As compared to what it was before, its been ‘bombed into the Stone Age’ – a phrase that comes up a lot in the Middle East.
And then, they wanted to take out Assad in Syria. And they tried the same technique. They’re still trying it. Indeed, many of the people that were the rebels in Libya were moved across to Syria to do it there. And you have this apparent contradiction, but its not, of so-called al Qaeda terrorists, or Islamic terrorists in general. That the War on Terror was suppose to be trying to challenge & stop. They’re actually have been among the rebels in both Libya & in Syria. And it seems a big contradiction, but its not. Because the common theme is this: Whatever is best for the agenda, what best suits the agenda in the moment, they will do.
So sometimes its using Islamic terrorists as the reason to invade their countries, and sometimes its using them to invade countries for You, as in Libya & Syria. So, there are no contradictions. There appear to be, but if you know the story, there are no contradictions. Because whatever suits the agenda is what they do.
One thing about Syria is that I have no doubt they expected that Assad to roll over, like Gaddafi’s regime did. But it hasn’t. And I think that’s been a big problem for them. With all that chaos, along come ISIS which they now themselves the Islamic State, I think – or whatever they call themselves tomorrow – that comes virtually out of nowhere, massively funded, armed to the teeth. And starts taking over great chunks of Iraq. And what kind of struck me, when that initial burst was going on, and they were taking over town after town, is the silence from Israel. The silence from Israel. Now, you know, whenever there’s a problem in the Middle East, and here we have the ISIS with this publicly proclaims this extraordinarily extreme Islamic agenda. And wants to take over the whole Levant, which includes Israel.
You would see again & again, over the years, whenever anything kind of starts to ferment in the Middle East, and in the region of Israel. Whoever is leading Israel at the time is straight at the microphone, “Israel is in danger, Israel’s existence is threatened, we need…” and all that stuff, but this time – silence. Why? Because, they knew it wasn’t going anywhere because they’re running it with the United States.
So, when you look at what is happening here, and whenever you have a belief system that is immovable. And whenever you are not at peace with you having that belief system & someone else having a different belief system, even a different version of the same belief system, then you are fodder extraordinaire to be divided & ruled by these people. And I said in books a long time ago, the plan was to play-off the Sunni Muslims against the Shiite Muslims to create a massive divide & rule in the Islamic world. Because, of course, if the Islamic world & the Muslim world united together against Israel, it would be all over. But they are not. They’re divided & ruled.
So, here you have this ISIS, or whatever they call themselves tomorrow, that are representing Sunni Muslims, they say. And we have a regime in Iraq up until this point, which is dominated basically by the Shiites. And of course, you have the center of the Shiite Muslim world in Iran. And so, there is enormous potential of playing these… (is humanity really this mad)… this different version of the same religion off against itself, which is what is happening.
And when you look at the plan long articulated for what is termed a ‘Greater Israel’, it is breaking up these Muslim states into smaller regions as part of it. The ‘Greater Israel’ is from the Nile in Egypt across to the Euphrates in Iraq, encompassing parts of Syria & Jordan, and all this whole area. And what are we seeing now is all this conflict & all this upheaval, all this confusion, all this chaos. And out that chaos they wish to bring the Order , which will be the re-drawing of the of the Middle East as Israel as the dominant dictator of that order – that’s the idea. So what we’re seeing now in Gaza is not about Gaza, its not about Israel defending itself, its about clearing people off the land, so they [Israel] can take it back.
They’re doing it in Gaza militarily, and they’re doing it in the West Bank by just building more & more houses for Israelis, and knocking down those that are for Palestinians. So, they are just taking the whole land. And I’ve said for years, you know, that all these… I mean, I’ve been around for almost the entire period of the existence of Israel as a State. And, you’ve had all these peace talks that have come & gone. This is just buying time to finish the job of destroying the Palestinians. That is what we’re seeing now. We’ve come so far along this road that we’re now seeing that destruction & we’re looking it in its face. But its been going on since 1948. Indeed, it went on in the run-up to 1948, when Israeli terrorist groups were forcing 800,000 or more Palestinians out of that country, never to return, in sheer terror as to what was going on.
So, its been a process. And, we’re now seeing that process reach a certain point. And that point is closing in on their end-goal, which is the end of Palestinians in any form, at least in that part of the world called Israel.
The Extraordinary Story of the Origins of the Israelis, not just in Israel, but in America & around the world. The Original – because when you think about it – one needs to sit back & look at things, quietly & from the bigger picture, and you break it down, you see the most extraordinary things:
This whole on-going conflict involved with Israel since before 1948, when they bombed Israel into existence, it’s based on a monumental hoax & lie, that, today what we now call ‘Israelis’ have an historic & genetic connection to the land called today ‘Israel’, because of an ancient connection to the ancient land – the biblical Israel. And it is a total hoax.
This is not just me saying this, although I’ve been saying it for years. There’s Jewish writers like Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe, there’s Shlomo Sand, Professor of History at Tel Aviv University and his book “The Invention of the Jewish People", and all these different aspects of research & researchers come to the same clear conclusion. But today’s Israelis originate not from ancient Biblical Israel, but a people in the Caucasus called the Khazars, who had a mass conversion to Judaism in 740CE because of their king, King Bulan. And the king of Khazaria was known as Khagan, that’s why Khagan is such a common Jewish name today. And as the Khazar Empire broke up & the former Khazars moved up into Europe – they moved into what is now Russia, what is now Poland & what is now Lithuania, and eventually they moved into Germany. And they didn’t speak Hebrew, they spoke Yiddish. Hebrew was only used in the ceremonies of the inherited religion of Judaism. Yiddish is a make-up language that comes from European, is influenced by European languages, not least high-German.
So, these people are now called Ashkenazi Jews, which are vast majority of Jews in the world. So, when the Rothschild controlled Hitler & the Nazis did their stuff in the second world war in Germany, then these Ashkenazi Jews, not from ancient Israel, but from the Caucasus, then moved into Israel & went and crossed to the United States. And there’s some interesting things on this journey, too. The First Zionist Conference was in Basel (Basle), Switzerland in the last few years of the nineteenth century. And it was then that this hoax really started being perpetrated. And the story of the Khazar origins was more & more suppressed.
Shlomo Sand, the Tel Aviv University Historian, says in his book about the invention of the Jewish people, that for a long time research into origins into today’s Israelis, encompassing the Khazar story was quite legitimate, and major Jewish historians were encompassing that story as part of their historical narrative. And then suddenly – bang! No one was talking about it. And suddenly it came to be something to be condemned for, to be ridiculed for, to be dismissed for. And it disappeared. And only a few people, today, have actually kept it going, like Shlomo Sand, et cetera.
And there’s this narrative, again, that justifies, in their mind, today’s events, in which there is this unified Jewish desire for what is going on in Israel. And that somehow, the Jews in Germany actually wanted to go to Israel all along. That is absolutely not true. The reason for the first Zionist Conference was held in in Basel (Basle), Switzerland, and not at its original location – Munich, Germany, was because of the enormous opposition that the Zionists had, who wanted to create this homeland in Israel, from Jewish people in Germany. Who were saying, “What do you want to go to Israel for? We’re fine, its alright!” Then what happened, you had the rise of the Nazis, you had the horrific treatment of Jewish people in Germany. So, then what happened then, people started heading for Israel & the United States, and you can't blame them in the circumstances.
Henrik: Well, you had the Transfer Agreement. I mean, my god, has there been a lot lies in the second World War. I’ve just recently started looking into this. And, I mean, if people have an idea about what they talk about when it comes to Kaddafi, that you’ve mentioned before, or Saddam, or any of these people who have been so vilified in history. I am not trying to rectify in like a 5 minute little rant, here, but nonetheless, my god, the lies around the second world war, and Hitler, and everything that occurred then. I’ve been floored in the last couple weeks, in terms of what the material that is actually available out there, David. I’ve come to realize that obviously if you take things like the Transfer Agreement into consideration, and the way that allegedly there was a plan to get the Jewish people out of Germany, then all these consequent things occurred, you realize that it’s a much bigger picture, and a much bigger planned than one that we’ve actually been led to believe. I mean, even the Plan, for example, for why they wanted to create the Zionist State.
A lot of these are in Argentina, not in Palestine. So, I mean, there’s a lot of these are completely inconsistent little tidbits if we look back & really examine history properly, and try to figure out what’s going on, you know.
David Icke: You put the pieces together. A few things are obvious. First of all, the Jewish people were going nowhere, off to Germany, or vast numbers went other than Israel. Because its part of this Rothschild plan to do what they planned, they had to have the Jewish State in among the Muslim world, and nowhere else. Because what is happening today could not have happened if that had been the case.
Now, to justify having the Jewish homeland in Israel, and nowhere else. They had to find a cover story to justify it. And then you had ludicrous story I’ve been talking about – about the connection with ancient Israel load of nonsense – and to keep that story going you have to press the truth, which is the story of the Khazars. Then you realize that the Rockefellers in America are a subordinate family to the Rothschild, but absolutely with the same intent. You know, just look at the research of the Rockefeller involvement in the Hitler’s Race Purity Movement. They funded a whole floor of a university in Germany for a guy called Ernst Rüdin, who’s one of the Nazis major Race Purity people. Because, of course, the Rockefellers, like all these bloodlines are all into eugenics. So they were expert in it, and had experts in it, and they got them out to Germany to start all that.
And as a result of that, the outcome was that the Rothschilds got what they wanted, and that was this homeland for Jewish people in Israel, which has led to all this, what they call, the Arc of Crisis, the Arc of Conflict. And it was the Rockefellers that paid for the early Jewish settlers. And by the way, no one was more horrified at the massive influx into Palestine of Jewish people from Germany than Jewish people that had lived in Palestine in peace with the Palestinians for centuries, because their way of life was destroyed. And then in comes this mass influx. And the Parliament building, the Knesset, was paid for by the Rothschilds. The Supreme Court Building was paid for by the Rothschilds – they own it, its their Thiefdom. And people like Netanyahu are just puppets for them. The Rothschilds own it, but they have this ability to keep it out of the public eye, so people don’t see it. But that’s the story.
What’s happening in Gaza, as we speak, is being driven by the Rothschilds. That’s the whole point. Its their agenda that’s been unfolding. Its their agenda & those close to the spider at the center of the web with them that are behind what’s happening in Iraq with ISIS & what’s happening in Ukraine. It’s a global plan. And once you see it as a global plan, you see that Ukraine is connected to Gaza, etc. Then you see what’s going on. But if you see it in isolation, you won’t see the picture.
Henrik: Let me ask you a bit as well, more in terms of the Jewish people & this whole issue. Because, obviously, there’s a debate whether… okay, is the common heritage among Jewish people, is it based on religion? Is it a genetic issue? If the allegiance is there & dedication, I guess, to the cause, then does it matter if they’re Ashkenazi, Moor Khazars, or Sephardic or whatever it is, right? It seems to be primarily an ideology. Since, if you look at the genetic issue. And that’s kind of falling apart on its own. My point being, though, if the allegiance is there & the dedication to, lets say, Israel & the cause of Israel, and the Zionist cause, then it really doesn’t matter, does it?
David Icke: Well, it matters in this sense, Henrik: The fact that Israel exists, and all that’s come from Israel’s existence to this present day is based on a hoax version of history. So, its important in that sense, because the whole thing is founded on it. You know, if from the start it was understood, that there was no genetic or historic connection of today’s, to what's now called, Israelis to the land of Palestine, there would have been no justification for what has happened.
But in terms of the genetic thing, you know, there’s been a number of studies by geneticists over the years, that have actually said that, in fact, there is no Jewish Race, as we know it. Its not a genetic thing, because there’s been a heck a lot of interbreeding with other races & other peoples. And thus, there’s not really something you could say, well that this is Jewish genetics, really.
What I would say, is that, although you know you could follow the progression of vast numbers of them out of Khazaria & up through… but what we call ‘Jewish’ is actually a mind program, in the same way that I would say what we call ‘Christian’ is a mind program, or what we call ‘Muslim’ is a mind program. It’s a belief.
I mean, you can be white middle-class and not be a Christian. So Christianity is not a race, it’s a belief system. You can be born as an Arab & not be a Muslim. Islam is a religion it is not a Race. It’s a belief system. And it’s the same with Judaism in all its forms. It’s a belief system. And this is why, once again, the true history of where today’s Israelis came from, historically, is absolutely vital to this - a big massive foundation pot of the program, as I would call it, the belief system of the Jewish mind – the vast majority, anyway, is that they do descend from ancient Israel, that god did pick them out as the ‘Chosen People’ & did promise them that land. And if you take that out of the belief system & that they don’t believe that because its shown to be an historical nonsense, then that’s a big foundation of program gone. Nevermind the collective justification of the creation of Israel, but the self- acceptance that that is the story & thus justifying your personal behavior.
So, where it all came from is very, very important. And in doing so, in uncovering this, and in putting the hoax right, we need to say, “well, hold on a second, its done now.” Its not about saying all Jewish people must leave Israel, but it is saying this, “Palestinians have absolutely as much, actually more historically, but as much... let’s keep it to today... as much right to be in that land & to have equal rights as you. And if we can go down that road, then we might have a chance of bringing an end to this, after all these decades, of shocking conflict. But the leadership, the Netanyahus, and whoever is in place, because they’re all the same, who are driven by the agenda of the Rothschilds don’t want that. Because the agenda is to get rid of all the Palestinians from that land.
We have to start, I would suggest, focusing ourselves on the House of Rothschild. Instead of just looking at the oil rag of Netanyahu, unbelievably evil as the man is, let’s look at the engineers of it – the Rothschilds. And what I am trying to do, in social media & website & anywhere I can, is to turn spotlight on the Rothschilds. Because unless they are flushed out as the people behind this, you know, when Netanyahu goes, someone else will replace him & do the same.
Henrik: Now, there is much more to discuss here, but there is a secondary effect of all of this, that I want to get your take on as well. And that is, as a consequence of a Zionist-run plan, an AIPAC-run foreign policy, from America’s point of view, of what they’re doing in the Middle East. These are not the interests of your regular Westerner, or your regular American, or European, except those manipulated by the propaganda, I guess, to go to war with these countries, or whatnot. What I am getting at, we have a whole lot of wars going on in the Middle East, Northern Africa for a little bit, there are other conditions that are a consequence of this. And of course, we have a secondary effect is that we have massive waves of immigration into Europe right now. And I am very curious of how they are using this, because in this process they’re obviously radicalizing Islam & Muslims as well. And I see that they’re using this as a push towards the West & Europe, as well. As they are being blamed for part of this. I mean, we have an endless barrage of quotes from Peter Sutherland talking about the basically the eradication of the European. Wesley Clark, the former NATO Chief has made similar remarks about how that there can’t be any ethnically pure states in Europe anymore. We have, of course, the founder of the whole European unlon [Richard Nicolaus] Coudenhove-Kalergi talking basically about the ethnic cleansing of the European in his book, Practical Idealism – if people want to check out, and that goes all the way back to 1920s, actually.
And so, a consequence of this, when we have replacement level immigration into Europe & into the West at this stage, and we have these high elite profile people talking about how this will have to be done against Europe & the radicalization of the Islamic ranks in Europe as, or course, the wars continue & continue. I’m seeing that the secondary level, David, is also an attack on Europe as a kind of a – its almost like they want to create some kind of civil war-type conditions with primarily the aid of religion, but I believe there’s an ethnic basis to this as well. W
What’s your perspective on this, considering what is happening in Europe in the last few years, with all these, you know, riots in England, in France, in Sweden & everything. This is something that’s on the ramp-up It’s a serious issue that people have to start looking at, I think.
David Icke: Well, this is why my main focus in my work is connecting dots, because everything connects to everything else. Just as what is happening in Gaza & this whole ISIS situation is connected with what is happening in Ukraine.
So, what you have just described is connected to the borders with Mexico. The United States open to vast numbers of people that come through. Again, I’ve been trying to get across over the years two basic things:
where this cabal wants to take the world & the techniques they use to take us there.
If you can know those two things, then you can start to read the world in a different way.
What they want is a world government dictating to everyone on the planet. They want a world army which would impose the will of the world government – NATO is being developed to become that, in league with other armies that will fuse together. A world central bank dictating your finance, this is why the financial situation is being crushed & crashed. And a world currency, etc.
And if you want a world government in which you have the end of the nation state, where under the world government – not nation states, but Unions, as we call them today, and North American Union, in the end - an American Union, the European Union, the Pacific Union, etc., we already have the African Union. We’re seeing the Trans-Pacific Partnerships & all these things – they’re all part of this bringing groups of people together under the second tier under the world government, and destroying the nation state. And then they want to break what are today’s nation states up into regions & sectors through de-unifying any unified response to that edifice of power above.
Now, one of the great points of resistance to the end of the nation state is a sense of nationhood. And, of course, America, although its been made up of so many different people coming all around the world…
Henrik: At least after 1965, when the immigration laws changed. Before that it was primarily European. Its just the fact.
David Icke: But what they had was a very strong sense of nationhood. Just as the British had a sense of being British, and the Swedish had a sense of being Swedish. And that is a big resistance point to the break-up of the nation state. So what they’ve done, and you can read it in their writings, the writings of the social engineers they’ve been using – like the Frankfort School, etc… Again, Frankfort… Frankfort, Germany… House of Rothschild…
Henrik: Primarily Jews beyond the Frankfort School, though…
David Icke: … without question, that’s historical fact. And, they gave us political correctness in so many ways. They talk about mass immigration to break-up any sense of nationhood. They want a situation where there is no sense of nationhood anymore. And the number of articles I’ve seen written in recent years in Britain, saying “What does it mean to be British, anymore.”
Henrik: Yeah, they are trying to deconstruct that whole ideology, you know, its amazing.
David Icke: Exactly. And that’s what it’s about. And of course, when you have the Human Race in great waves of it anyway, that think because they believe something, or do it a certain way that everyone else must do the same. There is tremendous potential, as you indicated earlier, for conflict between different races & cultures when they’re actually sharing the same space. And that’s the idea – create maximum chaos.
And I know, you know people say it’s a fake & all that stuff, but this Albert Pike letter which was supposed to have been written to another Illuminati big-wig called Giuseppe Musini, August 15 1871, Albert Pike, a major, major Freemason in the United States. And he wrote this letter, it is said, and he described that three world wars were coming. And he described the first two. Now okay, people might say, “Oh well, that could’ve been made up.” But the kind of credibility…
Henrik: That’s kind of like the Protocols of Zion, even if it’s a fake, it doesn’t take away the predictive quality of it. We can see in a movie predicting the future, its of the same value, I’d say, anyway. Right?
David Icke: Well, the credibility, surely for anybody, even the greatest skeptic, would be the third world war, which when it all came to light & up to the present day, had not happened, or at least not clearly happened. And when you see what he said about the third world war, in relation to what we’re talking about now, and what’s happening in the Middle East with ISIS, with Gaza, its worth just reminding ourselves.
He said:
That’s why I’ve said to Israelis over the years, "You know, they don’t care about you anymore than they care about the Muslims. You’re just fodder. You’re just something to be used. As they were after the second world war to give the Rothschilds their land in Israel."
Meanwhile, he said,
"The other nations, more divided on this issue, will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual & economical exhaustion."
This is the multi-level third world war we’re talking about.
"We shall unleash the nihilist & the atheists. And we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effects of absolute atheism, origin of savagery, and the most bloody turmoil."
And we’re of course seeing that in the Middle East, but you’re absolutely right when you’re indicating the plan for elsewhere.
"Then, everywhere, the citizens, he said, oblige to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries will exterminate those destroyers of civilization & the multitude disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirit will from that moment be without a compass (direction), anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the pure light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view, a manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."
What he’s talking about at the end there is this kind of One World Religion is what they want, as well. This, again, Global Belief System Program.
And so when you look at that, you can see the pieces being moved into place that kind of fit what was being predicted there. And you know, people say, understandably might say, “Well hold on a second, that letter was supposed to be written in 1871. Well, there was no Zionism then.”
But, these people, the insiders, know the projected agenda. And in my books over the years, not least the last one – The Perception Deception – I give a number of clear examples of people who knew what the agenda was & were able to predict so accurately what is happening now, decades & decades ago. George Orwell was one. I’m not saying he was an insider of this. He knew because he had access of the Fabian Society, one of the big strands of the wind in Britain. And he was friend of his former French teacher at Eaton College where the royals go – Aldous Huxley. And if you put Brave New World & 1984 together, you’ve pretty much got a massive chunk of what’s unfolding now, on multiple levels, not least in mind-control & use of drugs & mind manipulation techniques.
And there was a guy that was a Rockefeller insider, called Dr Richard Day, he was an executive of Planned Parenthood, which of course started out as a eugenics operation funded by the Rockefellers. And he was talking to a meeting of pediatricians in Pittsburgh, Penn in 1969. And he shocked people when he started his speech. And asked them to not take notes & to turn off any recording equipment, because he was going to tell them how the world was going to change. And he did so. And one doctor did take notes, and wrote them up when he got home. And before he died in 2004, he gave a series interviews, or taped interviews, in which he described what Dr Richard Day said in 1969. And, its unbelievable when you look at what’s happening today & what he described in absolute detail.
And so, its not something that’s impossible that would have known about Zionism in 1871. He absolutely would have done – he would have known about the agenda for Israel. He would have known about the first world war & the second world war & the third world war, because this is a long-term forward projected agenda. They’re not making it up as they go along.
Henrik: Its very interesting, here, as well. We have people that seem to think that just ignoring some of these conflicts will actually make it go away. I mean, otherwise, people think , “Oh well, don’t participate in it.” But the fact is, when you are backed up against the wall and they’re holding a knife in their hand, at some point, you have to realize what you have to either get yourself out of that situation, or you have to defend yourself & fight back. People, for example, have criticized me for focusing on these issues, and saying that this is a mad plan, right in-line with all the other things that the elite have been doing at this stage. Because they want to try to create these religious conflicts, ethnic conflicts, and everything else. And because I say that the European has a right to fight for its own preservation & will, as all other people have around the world. Then this now how in some way an evil plan. What I am getting at, David, is that we are effectively getting backed against the wall, here. We’re in a corner to certain extent & we have to act against it. As a self-defense mechanism, what I’m saying is that… I mean, are you really surprised that we’ve seen a rise, for example, UKIP [UK Independence Party] in England...